Let the Creatures Hunt the Jedi

Title: Let the Creatures Hunt the Jedi
Author: Peter "martian" Hall
Date: Dec 15, 1999 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations (8) Coruscant Endor Dark Forest Endor Dense Forest Executor Holotheatre (start) Executor Meditation Chamber (start) Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Swamp Tatooine Cantina

Carachters (10) Boba w/ Gun Darth Vader With Lightsaber Darth Vader x2 Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x2 Dr. Evazan x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2

Creatures (7) Bubo x2 Krayt Dragon Womp Rat x4

Vehicles (5) Ronto x5

Weapons (2) Vader’s Stick x2

Effects (8) Come Here You Big Coward Crush The Rebellion (start) Imperial Arrest Order Reactor Terminal Search And Destroy The Dark Path Visage Of The Emperor x2 (start)

Interrupts (20) Alter x2 Counter Assault x3 Elis Helrot Evader x2 I Have You Now x2 Monnok Sense x2 Twi’lek Advisor x3 (start) Yaggle Gakkle x4


Strategy: ‘

This is a fun deck I whipped up out of boredom. The thought of Bubo and some Womp rats eliminating the Jedi, and thus allowing the Empire to dominate the Universe just struck me as funny. Start with Crush the Rebellion unless you have a good reason not too. Here’s the basic strategy

vs. Ops - Drop creatures to pester them. Follow with beat down if possible. Convert their Swamp if you draw yours. Counter Assault as needed. Fun.

vs. Revo/Nudj - Well, you pretty much have all of your bases covered here. Eat the nudjes, Evader the Revos. Eat or battle their carachters. Visage will take its toll.

vs. Tosche Mains - Hope you draw your Krayt Dragon in your opening hand )

vs. MWYHL - Visgage + Search and Destroy make them depoly somewhere other than Dagobah. If they for some reason leave the apprentice upside down alone…. ok probably not going to happen ;)

vs. Hidden Base - This will not be fun, but it is still possible to win. Twi’lek for Search and Destroy. Sense Transmission Terminated. Track destinies for Counter Assault. Convert Coruscant if you can.

There’s just way too many fun DS decks out there. If I could only think of something for the LS….