Bad Habits

Title: Bad Habits
Author: Jeff "crushhawk" Miller
Date: Jun 23, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1)

Quiet Mining Colony / Independent Operation

Starting (6)

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Keeping the Empire Out Forever

Do, Or Do Not Do & Wise Advice

Squadron Assignments


Cloud City Casino

Locations (5)

Bespin Cloud City

Cloud City West Gallery

Cloud City North Corridor

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Cloud City Guest Quarters

Vehicles (3)

Cloud Car x3

Starships (6)

Z-95 Bespin Defense Fighter

Millenium Falcon

Home One

Gold Leader In Gold 1

Red Leader In Red 1


Effects (4)

Bacta Tank

I Feel the Conflict

Cloud City Celebration

Menace Fades

Weapons (1)

Anakin’s Lightsaber

Interrupts (14)

Smoke Screen

Path of Least Resistance

Rebel Barrier

It Can Wait

The Signal

Off the Edge

Cloud City Sabacc x7

A Jedi’s Patience


Lando Calrissian x2

General Calrissian

Lando With Blaster Pistol

Chewie With Blaster Rifle



General Solo

Han Solo

Son of Skywalker

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Devaronian x5

Qui-Gonn Jinn

Kal’Falnl C’ndros

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber

Dash Rendar ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck starts as a common QMC, but once flipped changes over into a sabacc-playing madness.

Start out quickly, making sure to control the Casino at all costs. Flip as quickly as possible, and by now you should have either a Lando or a Devaronian at the Casino by now. If not, use KTEOF

to search for one. Drain, and retrieve via Off the Edge, CC Celebration, or, especially, Sabacc, using the Casion’s gametext.

Devaronians are good for their power bonus on CC, and they are gamblers with special gametext. There are lots of Landos to get him down then to use for Sabacc wild cards. Pick your fights carefully, and use force wisely. Use It Can Wait and Rebel Barrier to slow down the opponent’s attack on the Casino.

The key of this deck, obviously, is the sabacc. Get them out using KTEOF, and play them at key moments, especially late game. Here’s some example situations (Bob is dark, Joe is light)

  1. Bob generates a lot of force (as he has been saving it), and plans to deploy a large force to battle Joe. He leaves just 3 cards in his reserve deck, enough for a lightsaber and battle destiny. After declaring the battle, Joe plays a sabacc, thus taking away a chunk of Bob’s reserve deck, forcing to choose what weapons/destinies he can use. Joe wins the battle, as Bob couldn’t make full use of the weapons.

  2. It is late into the game, and both sides are low on force. Bob has Vader in his hand, and will deploy him this turn, but Joe plays Sabacc in Bob’s activation phase, and therefore removing the needed force to generate. Joe sweeps up the remaining Imps and wins.

  3. Bob is tracking a 6 and Joe knows it. When it comes to the top, Joe plays sabacc to get it back to the used pile. Now Joe attacks, and instead of a 6, its a 1 for Bob. Joe wins again.

These are just some of the great situations where Sabacc comes in handy. The damage from each card can be great, for if you win a card from the opponent, and retrieve 3, it is a card differential of 5 And it can be played every turn It also is great to use their own cards against them.

Just remember to play the Sabaccs wisely, retrieve, avoid any unwanted conflicts (such as duals) unless you are ready, and watch out for grabbing cards. If you follow these guidelings, you should be great. I mean, I have always wanted to see Han fly Slave I . . .

See you at the Sabacc table ‘