The Circus This show’s got it all

Title: The Circus This show’s got it all
Author: Brad "Admiral Twk" Reinhold
Date: Jun 24, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting shniz(8)

SYC/Game Over

Death Star



Prepped Defenses



A Million Voices


Darth Maul

Vader w/ Saber x2


Emperor Palpy x2


Georgia Thrawn

Adm. Chiraneau

4-LOM w/ Crifle


Captain Godherdt

DS Gunner x2


Big E (original)









Zuckuss In MH

Dengar in boat


DSConference Room

Yavin 4



Epic Events1






Look Sir, Droids

Imperial Command x2

I Have You Now

Force Lightning

Twilek x2

The Circus is now Complete

Put All Sections on Alert x2


Presence of the Force

Broken Concentration

A Bright Center To The Universe


Lateral Damage


First Strike

Secret Plans


There’ll Be Hell To Pay ‘

Strategy: ‘


In answer to some reviews Yes, I have played against hardened anti gunner players, and all that does is slow you down. Say both gunners die, but the emperor survives (he usually does. drop a Put All Sections to retrieve both gunners, then initiate battle with first strike to retrieve your retrieval. rinse and repeat. As to draining you on your own places CHYBC stops all drains at nonbattlegrounds until they occupy 2, which can be harder than it sounds. This saves you from getting drained at the DS early, and with only one site you need to hold, and all your forces concentrated there, well…it gets a bit messier for the lightside, and a good player will usually realize in advance that they will lose more cards attacking me at my one site than just leaving me alone and draining elsewhere, which is when they die. I playtest against my self, even cheat on the side of the light sometimes in order to give the lightside every edge…and the DS ground in here, while not too much, is enough. IF you don’t think so, tell me what to pull.

AS to 10 effects…thats what was needed. Most every type of deck falls in under some of them, and three or four are specifically for retrieval.

AS to why use SYC? First, huge activation. Second, you get an autowin vs. TR Mains (usually), EBO, Operatives, anything using Liberation. Once you flip, you pull systems without Merrejk, who can be useless, your star destroyers deploy for cheap, and all your force drains go up by 2. The only Big BLue base similar is Endor Ops with Ominous Rumors, but there you have to actually hold the ground the entire game, thus more cards for ground, less for space, more chance of losing to something strong in one or the other.

Also, you take no battle damage on the DS prior to the flip, so you don’t have to really worry about WYS too much.

///////////////END UPDATE

The deck is 10 and 1 in post tatooine tourny play. The one loss was primarily off a bad call (said CPI had to be on table at least a turn before you could fire. as a note it plays as a lost inturrupt) which slowed me down 2 turns, and I got only 1 SD all game, and lost by I think 7. but I lost. A good player should win every time with this deck.

I’ll give a brief run down of the strategy, then explain a few card choices


After drawing your hand, go get CPI from your deck. After activating, look for evader/monok. This way you will know if you need to draw some (cards you want are DS gunner, Emperor, Superlaser, DSConference room) If none of those cards are in there, you need to pull the conference room. This will be your base of opperations. if you had that or a gunner in your hand, play a gunner to the conference room. You are immune to battle damage, but not to attrition, so try to use your non-vader DJs to cover them in the first few turns. next few turns you should have out the superlaser and be at alderaan. The slowest it should take to be able to flip is begining of turn 5. As your opponent may try to thwart you, you have some good defenses, but only worry about 1 site (usually the conference room). Palpy is a leader, so he adds one to cpi while you control there, and he is a god before you flip.


Play SDs to retrieve from early losses, continue to get out effects, keep monoking, etc. Most LS has @#$% for space, but you can handle a good space deck with relative ease, too, provided you play conservatively. The BH Beat down with the lat damage and Star Destroyers more plentiful than anything. If they give you a system, eat them from it. if they are QMCing, cancel celebration (easy, between beatdown and Maul) and Bright Center their Drains. Keep your retrieval going. Use Vader as a hit squad, utilizing TCINC and IHYN. If you used First Strike Correctly with Broken Concentration, and they didn’t leave enough force, they are screwd, as none of their inturrupts can be played, so they can’t cancel the duel, or the IHYN. Presence any system, but I presence the DS, getting that +2 drain going their too. Drain for upwards of 15 each turn.

Late Game

no late game. The only possible reason they should be alive at this point is because you are Broken Concentrating thier last card, so they can’t draw up, maximizing the differential.


QMC the game is a joke. This deck has never lost to a QMC deck, and has played against 4 in tourny play, and about 10 more outside tournaments.

Pile A tougher matchup, but you should win. just hold the ground long enough to flip, then evacuate to space, getting your drains going, and using resistence to cancel theirs. If they go to space, make them regret it. Activation is not a problem for this deck, so one of their chief weapons is gone. They also can’t Revolution, though that isn’t as big. Use your grabber to kill their SAC for good, and use their sites against them. Once you’ve flipped, if you’ve still got ground, don’t hesitate to blow the #$%* out of Yavin or Hoth. They lose double the icons, and if its yavin they’re playing, +3 for each site. Agianst Hayes’ version, thats 16 with HOTJ suspended, or 10 without. That is still a reaming.

oh, yeah. don’t forget, Look Sir Droids.

WYS their beatdown can’t touch you on your turf,

thank them for the system when you flip. Use the Commands, Guri, and Maul to own them, and drain them til they bleed.

podracing if they get to retrieve any at all, great. you retrieve your loss back with 2 Sds next turn. Against the bounce version, grab their bouncer, kill their women, rape their cattle )

anything elsenon-issue. Your drains should get them, and they shouldn’t bother your DJ who aren’t draining. I’ve played with this deck since about a week after Tatooine came out, in about 40 games total, and the only loss was the one I mentioned above and 2 to the pile, before I changed out a few cards. However, even before the modifications, it still won 4 games against the pile.

Well, that about wraps it up. If you have any suggestions or comments, please make them. I am continually tweeking the deck, as I see how varios things work or don’t work. If you reall want to win podracing, take out three cards, put in Sebulba’s and 2 podracer collisions, and this deck can win it. The core of the deck is solid, thusfar, but hopefully it can be improved. If you still think SYC is a joke, then please, in addition to saying so, say why. I’ve found it to be very solid thusfar.

Props to Caleb, James, Mark, Jonathan for help

props to Art and tony for teaching me a thing or eight ) ‘