Newbie Training Part 1

Title: Newbie Training Part 1
Author: Scot "The Ithorian" Vales
Date: Jun 24, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Death Star Central Core


Death Star Level 4 Corridor

Tatooine Cantina



Darth Vader

Djas Puhr


Ket Kit’keek


Ponda Boba

Stormtrooper (x3)




Restraining Bolt


Assault Rifle

Blaster Rifle

Timer Mine (x2)

Vader’s Lightsaber



Bespin Motors Void Spider THX-1138


Gravel Storm

Imperial Barrier

Set For Stun

You Overestimate Their Chances


Death Star Sentry

Wrong Turn (x2)

Strategy: ‘

The purpose of this deck is to provide a start for new players.


I have posted a Light Side counterpart. It is intended that this deck is played against that one. There is a second 30-card deck to be posted to train for space at the same sitting. Many major characters not seen here are in there.

(I reccomend starting with ground because it keeps things basic.)

So, you ask, what’s the point?

Well, in my area, there is a shortage of new players. So, before we can have new players, we must must train them. This is my deck that I built in order to use to that means.

I made sure to include a droid or two and spies so that presence and deployment requirements wil come up.

I chose these characters because they are the most recognizable to new players.

Also, battle destiny USUALLY will take more than one character. This way, basic strategic deployment can be covered.

I also tried to include many commonly seen cards that are around that are simple to use (ie Imperial Barrier and the Cantina).

You may also notice that I included two copies of Wrong Turn. This is so that the topic of uniquew cards and their limitations come up while providing a simple-to-understand effect that will make players think.

By looking through the cards, you will notice that the basic rules can all be covered. I consider the ”basics” to be phases of a turn, deployment, battling, unique and non-unique cards, game text, card types, docking bay transit, battle destiny and power, ”hitting” with a weapon, reacts, forfieture, movement, drawing cards, drawing destiny, and Force circulation.

I suggest trying this first open-handed so that you can go over card-types with the new player. Let them read through every card (yes, it’s time consuming). Try a battle first WITHOUT 4 ability (even if you have to start it outpowered). Show how to compare power.

If you decide to exchange cards from this deck, be sure to replace these cards with cards that are similar in game text and card type.

Please see the other decks to be submitted to see how these decks fit together.

Any suggestions?

The Ithorian

Scot Vales ‘