hidden base +numbers= joy

Title: hidden base +numbers= joy
Author: van "nocnalemeel" melancon
Date: Dec 16, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(9) Rendezvous Point dogobah Yodas hut kiffex kessel coruscant Yavin 4 2x Tatooine

Characters(19) R2D2 Artoo 2x R4-E1 2x R2-X2 2x R5-M2 EPP Obi EPP Luke EPP Leia EPP Han ECC Lando Captain Han Solo Kal’Falnl C’ndros Wedge Antilles Chewbacca Melas J. Webb

Starships (15)

Spiral Tantive RLIR1 GLIG1 Lando in Falcon Millennium Falcon 3x RS X-Wing 3x GS Y-wing 3x B-wing attack fighter


3x Signal It’s a hit Punch it Grimtaash 2x Organized Attack It could be worse


3x Never tell me the Odds Haven Mantellian Savrip The Planet that It’s Farthest From Rebel fleet Traffic control

Strategy: ‘

this deck has a shot against just about anything…. it has lots of battle strength and the numbers are like a bonus….when i start haven, i can deploy quickly and have enouigh generation for the ground if I have to.The savrip works well and numbers are a bonus(forfiet those droids) but be careful how u use it or u may get screwed……. if you play carefully this deck can beat most decks ‘