Elom Cheese Zoo

Title: Elom Cheese Zoo
Author: Mike "YaggleGakkle" Camp
Date: Jun 26, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (11)

There Is Good In Him/ Bop

I Feel the Conflict, Yo

Yarna Fat Lady

Tat Podracey Arena

Boonta Eve Podrace

Chirpa’s Ghetto Pad

Endor DB

Anakin’s Pod

Jedi Ultra Happy Luke

Luke’s Cutting Dealy

Podrace Prep

Characters (16)

Elom x16

Interrupts (16)

Effective Repairs x3

Neck and Neck

Nar Shaadaa Chimes x2


Signal x2

Fallen Portalis

Fall of Legend x2

Losin track

Shockin Info/ Grimtaash

Starships (1)

Red Leader in

Devices (1)


Effects (13)

Never tell Me the Odds x4

Anger Fear x3

Goo Nee Tay

Baraginin Table

Hon of the Jedi

Insight Serves Ya well

Projection OAS x2

Epic Events (1)

I Did It

Locations (1)

EndorBack Door

Strategy: ‘

Response to reviews

Veretech- You think it LOOKS like cheese? The title has ’cheese’ in it and the heading to the strategy is ’Cheesiest deck in the world’ 1 star w/o an explanation? Idiot.

The Cheesiest Deck in the World

Most matchups are pretty much the same. When playin Imperials, beat them down w/ a herd of power 4 Eloms and stack. Against Scum, drain on Endor and kill them w/ Odds and AFA damage.

BHBM is really easy since they barely ever beat you in a duel since you have massive destiny so they stack every duel and you can cross vader. Try to make Odds go off ASAP so they lose 12 or so 1st turn.

Most decks are unprepared for something this wacky and will have half their deck gone before they can do anything, just stay under 13 cards in hand, esp. if they play Crush to pull Monnok. Trust me, it wins games fairly easily. ‘