Edwin’s Profit

Title: Edwin’s Profit
Author: Edwin "Edwin" Harris
Date: Jun 26, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (9)


Han w/Heavy



Podrace Prep

Boonta Eve Podrace

Podrace Arena

Ani’s Podracer

K’lor Slug (The Camp vs. MKOS/Court)

Characters (18)

Padme x2

Learner Obi

Ben Kenobi x2

Qui Gon x2

Chewie Protector

Leia with Gun x2


Lando with Axe x2

Jar Jar

Epic Events (1)

I Did It

Green (4)

Ani’s Stick

Lukes Stick

Quis Stick

Obis Stick

Interrupts (20)

Smoke Screen


Losing Track x2

Clash of Sticks x2

A Step Backward x2

Naburn x4

A jEdi’s Resellience x2

Noble Sacrafice x2

Alter x2

Sence x2

Locations (3)


Tosche Station

Junland Wastes (or whatever the drain 2 one is)

Effects (5)

I can’t BIelive Hes Gone




Profissancy ‘

Strategy: ‘

First of all I’d like to thank Philip “World Champ” Marschall for the idea, if you like this read his “New Age Profit” and give it 5 stars. His deck roally kicked my azz, so I decided to make my own. I read all the reivews and did what they said, and modified according to my playing style.

First off card explanations

Noble Sacrafice Wrecks with I cant beilive hes gone, retrive 9 with Noble Sac, use ICBHG, use one to add Obi’s power in any battle.

Han wih gun to start The Profit Retrival isn’t too big for this deck, the direct damage usally does the opponet in without any retrival, plus you got the noble sacs.

no space the profit damage is enough, in my opinion…o shoot take out the SA and put in some C/TVs and signals. C/TV will help too.

locations outskirts pull a jedi, Obi’s hut revoed is a drain 3, plus sticks, and tosche is an activating machine.

Heres how the beggining of the game should go

Focus on Opponet not winning the podrace, flip agenst some people quick, hold off on others. Don’t let the AC get converted by those pesky engineers.


DS Podracing

Damage them, repair your pod, cross your fingers for high destinies. Your chances of being victorius on the race are about 10-20%, flip early and spread before the race is over. Be smart, and remember how cool the 7 side of profit is. THis might be a hard one to win

Hunt Down Cancel Visage ASAP, get HotJedi out and keep thier OBj on the zero side if you most possibly can. Win the podrace. YOu should win this game

SYC (blow away or TIES FLip early, if its blow away invade the D* before they can blow away alderaan, use C/TV to cancel drains, win the race, i did it, profit. You should win this game.

BHBM GIve em Luke if thier making you lose to your destiny. Don’t let em win battles. Come down with a hit squad on em when necessary. Win the race. YOu should win.

YMSYL Honor is the key. If they don’t start IAO, use NAburns to beat em up, C/TV to cancel Ice Storm, and use racing to your advantage.

ANy other deck PLay smart flip, race, win (not in that order)

Questions or Comments E-mail me @ Princessusami@planetjuari.com, MrCheezNcho@aol.com

or IM me @ MrCheezNcho, thanks.
