Honey You My Numba 1 Pal

Title: Honey You My Numba 1 Pal
Author: Joe "arebelspy" Olson
Date: Jun 27, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (7)



Tatooine Cantina

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Tatooine Mos Eisley

Tatooine Podrace Arena

Tatooine Tosche Station

Characters (15)

Chewie With Blaster Rifle

Dash Rendar

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x3


Mirax Terrik

Ralltiir Freighter Captain

Talon Karrde

Threepio With His Parts Showing

Treva Horme x2

Wedge Antilles

Starships (4)

Lando In Millennium Falcon

Medium Bulk Freighter


Pulsar Skate

Interrupts (19)

A Step Backward x2

Control & Tunnel Vision x3

Effective Repairs x2

Either Way, You Win x2

It Can Wait x3

Podrace Prep

Recoil In Fear x4

The Signal x2

Effects (10)

A Tremor In The Force x4

Anger, Fear, Aggression

Battle Plan


Never Tell Me The Odds

Squadron Assignments

Tatooine Celebration

Weapons (1)

Luke’s Lightsaber

Podracers (1)

Anakin’s Podracer

Epic Events (2)

Boonta Eve Podrace

I Did It

Objective (1)

Watch Your Step/This Place Can Be a Little Rough ‘

Strategy: ‘


BAM Now Lockdown has caused 2 erattas (or ’clarifications’ or whatever the @#$% you call it) 1st Tremor becomes once per game, and now (as per the CRD, or glossary supplament or whatever, that was released today) Treva Horme can only sell interrupts

Hmm.. time for the maniacal laugh….


Hehe, Kyle Szklenski just refered to me as ”Captain I Make Broken Decks Because I Like To screw With Juz And His Ruling Squad”. I thought that deserved to be in the deck strategy. shrug

Chris Wo-censored-a now has props.


Heh we cause an eratta on Tremor in the Force. Wanna bet Treva Horme will be getting ”clarified” next? P

OK, I made two sections of strategy, one is the strategy for pre-eratta Lockdown (e.g. before Tremor in the Force was neutered), if you haven’t seen WYS lockdown before, you should read it. I was going to incorporate it all into one updated strategy, so you know how it works now, but I figured most people would be like ”know this, know this, wheres the new stuff”. So if you know how Lock worked before, skip to the ”Post Eratta” part of the strategy, otherwise read the whole thing. Make sense? If not, give me 5*s, and I’ll work on it for next time.


Early Game-

Well first off, the general idea of the deck is a lockdown. You start WYS stuff, and podracing, normally grabbing Squadron Assignments for the one effect. Put a few smugglers out, and flip, maybe by about 3rd turn in. Don’t forget to podrace on their turns. Now Lock them down (should happen within the first several turns, they will only have gotten a few guys out).

The Lockdown-

Drop ”A Tremor In The Force” into their Reserve Deck, it says (to refresh your memory - it’s a safe bet you don’t see it used or use it all that often) that when Effect reaches top it is immediately lost, but opponent may not activate any more Force that turn. So you drop it in their RD, and do whatever you want on your turn. They activate one, you Recoil In Fear (note that I am using the Recoil in fear card, not the sense/recoil in fear, b/c that’s stopped by the back side of the WYS Obj), with both of you drawing a new hand. Now you’ve got new goodies, and they switched hands too. It’s a possibility that the insert popped. Then they only have one force for the turn. If it didn’t, let them activate, it should pop within a few force, so they won’t have much force to work with, maybe about 4 or 5. You can play the Recoil In Fears from hand or lost, Play effective repairs from hand or lost to get Tremor In The Force back, Signal for a new one, or celebrate for one, etc. With all your Recoil In Fear Action going on, you’ll get all set up, with prolly 3 dest 3 characters, a NTMTO, an AFA, a Cantina Drain and a kessel drain. Get Mos eisly out, to shuffle, activate 2 more, and celebrate for one more.


You have the lockdown going. Kill whatever characters or starships they got out before the lockdown. With forfeit +2 guys (+4 if Talon is there), you just keep attacking them, you have fairly good destiny in this deck, and you get 2 destinys b/c of WYS, so you kill whatever they have out, and they can’t ever drop backup (e.g. a Guri to Xizor, or a Tarkin to Vader) since they will be force choked, and you can keep dropping guys. You have 3 TVs which you can play from hand or lost to Get cards out. Now win the podrace. You can play a step backwards, and play it from lost. Grab I Did it, and deploy iy. You have 4 ships, you can squad @#$% for 2 of them, or tunnel for any of them (or draw them, or recoil for them). All you need is 1 ship, sitting at kessel draining, and getting a card back with I Did It Leave celebration unprotected, you think they can afford a ship? =D


They are activating Jack, b/c you do the Lockdown combo. So they’ll have 1 force ideally, maybe 4-6 force at most (after you play recoil, they draw a new hand, then activate a few, and it pops). If they draw, GREAT. Then next time you recoil, they’ll have to draw more for their hand, meaning chances go up that Tremor will pop, and they get one force. If they save it, they’ll lose 2 for ”I Did it”, then you steal it with beggar, and effective repairs for beggar. If they get lucky and can activate like 10 before Tremor pops, and they can get a character out, play It Can Wait (be saving 3 force), bounce it back to hand..then recoil. They can’t deploy it for free then, and the force they spent is wasted. P And you can play It can wait from lost.

Them ”FINALLY. i was able to activate 9 before tremor popped i deploy vader”

You ”it can wait”

Them ”ok hes free next turn..your turn”

You ”use beggar to use your last 3 force on effective repairs for tremor.. drain, insert tremor, do whatever the hell I feel like”

Them ”Activate 1”

You ”recoil. tremor pops. no vader to deploy? too bad..”

Muahahah I know it seems like you need lots of effective repairs and stuff, but you dont, since you play the effect once, effective repairs for it, effective repairs from lost. So many of your interrupts can come from lost. That’s 3 turns you’ve had it. NTMTO is popping for 8 minimum (3 dest. 3 characters - no one in here is < dest 3 except for melas….and now treva in the new version, will get to that later), 13 maximum (Luke + Wedge + Dest 3 Character), assuming they have no characters out, it will pop for the full amount. You can squad ass. for Wedge or Mirax or Dash. You don’t need to keep them locked down for that many turns, maybe 4 turns, with insert damage (NTMTO popping for 9, AFA for 4), Kessel and Cantina drain, they’ll lose about 30 force in that time, and each turn it is easier and easier to lock them down. Now, if they lockdown breaks, whatever. You have control of the board, and can still drain, insert, etc. Ideally you can lock them down the whole game, once you start the lock. It sounds like it would happen rarely, but it is actually quite common. You drain for about 5 every turn, everytime an insert pops they lose 4 (for AFA) or 9 (for NTMTO). So if they lose form hand, then don’t recoil next turn, since they won’t have as much stuff, and they’ll have some force, but not much in hand to do, and if they draw that force, then you recoil/Tremor them again. Sometimes, if they have a huge hand, and lose a bunch from hand, recoil anyways, b/c you know they kept all good stuff, now you give them new bad stuff and only a little good stuff. And if they lose from RD, something else pops, plus they have less in reserve, so for the next insert, it’s more likely to pop. Just 3 turns of locked downness, with ideal inserts popping, and the game can be over. If the lockdown is broke, they won’t have much left to work with, and a random hand (from all the recoils), and so you just drain/insert them out. Battle Plan helps lockthem down. Who can afford to pay 3 to drain when you activate 1-3? And then I just conntrol/tunnel to cancel, and control/tunnel from lost..


The Lockdown is much easier. They’ll have about 12 cards in hand, and 20 in lifeforce. Tremor will pop pretty much every time after they have one force, and they either draw it, meaning more cards in hand so they have to draw one more next turn when I Recoil, or else they save it, in which case Beggar yoinks it without being lost. They will die rather quickly after this. If something goes wrong with the lockdown- Play it like an WYS deck with inserts. Go for the lategame lockdown. It’s damn solid. And cruel. ) The podracing is HUGE.


OK, so Tremor gets eratta’d, now you can insert it ”once per game”. Hmm. So Hickey finds a post on the BBS by some random.person (named MJ, The Emperors Toe or something?), and it’s about Treva Horme. So we’re like ”Hmm… Lockdown”. I initially make a non-WYS version, but it sucked, so I tried WYS, paying 8 for Treva Horme. And BAM it’s HUGE again. Stick her at the podrace arena, a non battleground, and you ”sell” them Tremor in the Force. But then it acts like it was inserted, and you recoil to pop it. She takes 3 force from them and gives you 3 force, in essense paying for your effective repairs, recoil, whatever. Here is the latest Treva Horme ruling from Juz

—————- Begin Forwarded Message —————-


Could you send a message to the squadron listserve about this? When I

sent a message earlier this week about this issue, the respone that I recieved

was that it would not count as an insert card and would be just like a

regular sold card. So, I fear that at regional championships, a Squadron

Member will make the wrong ruling thinking the same as I did about the


Thanks for the ruling

Ghery Pettit, Red 105

—–Original Message—–

Subject Treva Horme and Inserts

Peter, Gary,

I thought through the Treva Horme and selling an insert issue. Heres my

thoughts at the meoment

  • Contrary my first fear, you could not sell multip[le inserts into

the used pile because Treva’s ability is once per LS control phase anyhow

(glossary under ”one”). This is a relief (to me anyhow).

  • Once recirculated, you could not sell another (as per Treva glossary


  • The definition of an ’insert card’ is simply reliant on being a card

that ”instructs you to insert it into a Reserve deck”. It is not

dependent on actually being ’inserted’.

  • The glossary contains specific instructions for checking any

opponents card in your deck when it comes to the top, and it even goes on

to state that if an insert card, it resolves. This is not dependent on

an insert being ’inserted’ - simply an opponents card coming to the top

of your deck.

As such, under existing rules, this is a legal strategy.

For free, here are my thoughts on game balance (purely for discussion


  • It has some potential to be more powerful than a normal insert in

the endgame because I can sell an insert card into a Used Pile (and make

you uise force) when I cannot insert into an empty reserve deck.

  • It is far less powerful than a normal insert in early or midgame

because I am deliberately placing my insert at the bottom of the

opponents reserve deck. My opponent can count his Reserve Deck before he

recirculates (there is no insert in it) and know exactly how much time

he has before it goes off. A major disadvantage. If I use Ommni Box then

thats further card slots anyhow.

I’ll keep an eye on it, but at the moment I cannot see it being any more

abusive (overall) than normal inserts. My current feeling is to allow it

(at least until someone can prove it is ”broken”).

Your thoughts gentlemen?



—————- End Forwarded Message ——————

So Treva works great. Hook yourself up with some force, etc. Now.. The only thing that isn’t addressed is ”who’s lost does it go to?” It can be argued that it popped like an insert, became an inser, goes to LS lost. In which case you can effective for it. Some say ”no, it worked like an insert, but remains ’sold’, so it goes to the DS lost pile.” This is basically up to the TD, and we didn’t want to get screwed, so we covered all bases (All Treva’s bases are belong to us ) With 4 Tremors/2 Effective, you can ”insert” it 5 times if it goes to DS lost (’insert’ it once per game, effective for it, then sell it 4 times), or you can ”insert” it 8 times if it goes to LS lost. Either is enough to win. Also ”Either Way You Win” is huge in this deck. Play it after Tremor Pops. They either give you 4 force, and they get none, or you get Tremor back to Signal for it if it goes to LS lost, or if it goes to DS lost, its basically ”reinserted”, BAM. So they will most always give you 4 free force to their none. The turn you drop Treva, insert it once per game, it pops on their turn after recoil, then start the selling. You win. Tosche Station was chosen over City Outskirts b/c you can tunnel for luke, but tosche is so good, it’s a 2/1 like outskirts if you only have treva or rfc or hatever there, but with Jedi Luke or chewie or han it’s HUGE. And they can never get guys down to oppose it.

There’s a 4th recoil, b/c you always ”sell” it to their Used, then it goes to bottom of reserve, so you need to reshuffle that. Beggar is on the bubble, since teva yoinks force and I did it makes em not want to save, then if you see a card you want in here, dump beggar and add it.. Threepio is tooo good not to go in here. He cycles for stuff you need. Recoil and get everything but an it can wait? Threepio, maybe you’ll get one..


Chris DeNoma - Maaad props for discovering Tremor/Disturbance in the Force.

John Hawkins - For helping with the lock, showing everyone it’s good by going 8-0 in the DPC.

”Dan” (Don) Kitzman - For winning the DPC with Lock, and for convincing me Podracing is good in Lock back before Ramapo.

Alan Sagan - For helping with the original lock

Steve Kuperman - Biiiig props, helped with original lock, helped edit this strategy section, and only person to help with the latest version of the lock, this version. You’re too broken, man.

Matt Bryant - Helped with original lock

TLM - How bad can you be at SW? Haha, I’m kidding, I luv ya man.

Chuck - For finding the post on the BBS

Dalton - I never thanked you for the ride from the airport for Ramapo (or maybe I did? I don’t know, I was asleep while standing that weekend). So thanks.

Phrim - Honest is tech. Thanks for the McDonalds run at Ramapo.

Andy Klema - HARDCORE. Nuff said. )

Roddd - For the Treva Horme ruling.

Kyle ”Lrd Vdr946” Szklenski - Because I can. (What’s Premier Obi’s Forfeit? Haha)

Chris Wod¡cka - Because he asked for props. Plus, his name is tech, Decktech censors it, it’s all about being called ”Chris Wo@#$%a”


None, right now. ‘