Shhhh I am Mining Here

Title: Shhhh I am Mining Here
Author: Josh "Sachmo" Rohrig
Date: Jun 28, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Bespin (s)

Guest Quarters (s)

Carbo Chamber


Qui-Gonn x2

EPP Obi x2

EPP Luke x2

EPP Leia x2

Tawss Khaa

Cpt Han x2

ECC Lando




Pucumir Thryss x2

Home One



Qui-Gonn’s Saber

Losing Track x2

Jedi’s Resilience x3

Jedi’s Conentration x3

Path of Least Resistance x2

Narrow Escape x2

OOC x2

The Signal

Changing the Odds x2

Fallen Portal x2


Surprise Assault


Courage of a Skywalker


CC Celebration

Menace Fades


Don’t Do that Again


Bacta Tank


What Was It?


Anakin’s Podracer ‘

Strategy: ‘

The new effect makes this take just amazing. It had potetnial before, but there wasnt enough room in a deck to put it all- now with the built in TV there is. Sites are basic- limit opponents force drain while maximizing yours. The DB is great for fallen portal of course. The characters are basic- EPPs to make use of the great new interrupt. I have all the Mon Calamari guys to hold the system, because combined they are great.

My area usually has lots of dueling Hunt Down, and will proably see more with the addition of Maul, so there is lots of protection from that. DDTA is good because you can pul either of the immediate effects, and it cancels Mob Points.

The interrupts are mainly defensesive, allowing you to pick and chose what battles you want to happen on CC. Decent retrieval from Celebration can help. I don’t want to dedicate half my deck to podracing, but one card isnt’t bad. Maybe sometimes I will get lucky and actualy win. Changing the Odds is good, because it can hurt those decks that search every turn to help them track- because a lot of the high destinies DS has are interrupts, this simply gets rid of them.

There isn’t much of a strategy because there isn’t much for this type of deck. This is basically mains and toys based off of Cloud City. ANy questions or suggestions- let me know. Thanks

Josh ‘