Madskills’ QMC

Title: Madskills’ QMC
Author: Michael "MadSkills84" Pistone
Date: Jun 29, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 7

Quiet Mining Colony


Cloud City Guest Quarters

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Squadron Assignments

Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Your Insight Serves You Well

Locations 4

Cloud City North Corridor

Cloud City Carbonite Chamber

Cloud City West Gallery

Bespin Cloud City

Characters 18

2x Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight

2x Obi-Wan With Lightsaber

Captain Han Solo

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol

2x Leia With Blaster Rifle

2x Lando With Blaster Pistol

Dash Rendar

Bren Quersey

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Elyhek Rue

Tawss Khaa


Pucimyr Thryss

Harc Seff

Starships 5

Millennium Falcon


Red Squadron 1

Red 7

Red 8

Weapons 2

Anakin’s Lightsaber

X-Wing Laser Cannon

Admirals Orders 1

I’ll Take The Leader

Interrupts 19

4x Sense

2x Alter

2x It’s A Trap

2x Rebel Barrier

2x Path Of Least Resistance

Off The Edge

Shocking Information & Grimtaash

Sorry About The Mess

Weapon Levitation

2x Nabrun Leids

Smoke Screen

Effects 4

Aim high

Cloud City Celebration

Battle Plan

Menace Fades

Strategy: ‘

In Response to Reviews

SithRage Again you miss the point and didn’t think before your review. If you thought QMC sucked so much why were you playing it? Eleyek Rue and Bren Quersey are better because they add destinies to power and the xwing cannon deploys cheaper. Alos eleyek’s ship has higher destiny. That’s great that you would use 1 qui-gon, i’m not because he sucks balls for this deck cuz he deploys for 8, that’s why i use jedi luke who although deploying for the same is better with a destiny 6. Tell me, what are all these decks that run IAO, Nabrun was working fine for me at my last tournament, which oh yeah you didn’t go to so what do you know. A Jedi’s Resilience is an alright choice I guess, I just couldn’t figure out what to change for it.

Steebo Maybe you could tell me why it sucks, instead of just saying it does.

Vador An explanation in the review might be nice.

Alright so this is my take on the QMC deck. The abitlity to do tunnel visions every turn is totally nasty and makes for some really huge turns. Combined with Sense/Alter, you always have one or both when you need them. Although I’m packing less Senses and Alters than most the ability to take them out of the force pile so I have them for use makes up for it. Always do the same start because it is the best. I’ll go into explanations of cards.

Cloud City West Gallery At a quick glance you may debate over playing this card, because if you can control it, you can cancel one of their drains at a related site, but if they control it they can cancel one of yours. But when you read your objective and remember they can’t modify or cancel your drains then you go……ok well this site is a keeper.

Jedi Luke He’s destiny 6, I know some perfer the EPP Version for this deck, but I still like the strength and versatility of this character.

2x Lando w/ gun Adding destinies is great.

Wedge and his pals Allows use of xwing cannon, goes well with squadron assignments, i’ll take the leader, add destinies to power, cancel a destiny of theirs if wedge in the battle, just good stuff.

Pucimyr Thryss Good to beef up those meager cloud city drains.

Hard Seff = GOD

Xwing Cannon So needed for control of the system.

Senses and Alters Just so good.

It’s a Trap Cancels sniper and also saves your @#$% early.

Barrier Allows for beatdowns.

Path Run away or add to beatdowns.

Shocking/Grimtaash People like to draw lots of cards, make them pay for it.

Sorry About The Mess I play this over combo because I like the destiny.

Nabrun Leids SO HUGE. IAO is played by few and far between, and you can pull nabrun’s out of your force pile and just beat the hell out of stuff. It’s good.

Smoke Screen I just like this card a lot, if your destinies are bad you can use this, you can pull this for something else though easy.

Aim High Just a good card.

Cloud City Celebration Well I play Bespin, Cloud City Sites, Starships, and I stay on Cloud City. HMM I wonder why I play this card……..