No I didn’t steal this Profit/racing from Avatar

Title: No I didn’t steal this Profit/racing from Avatar
Author: Chris "Christo" Cicconi
Date: Jun 30, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Profit/Be Destoryed

TatJabba’s Palace

JPAudience Chamber

General Solo

Podracer Prep

TatPodrace Arena

Anakin’s racer

Boonta Eve Podrace

Seeking An Audience



TatCity Outskirts

JPEntrance Cavern

TatObi’s Hut


B’omarr Monk x2


Leia w/Blaster

Obi, Padawan Learner

Ben Kenobi


Threepio w/his parts showing

Chewie, Protector

Master Luke x2

Luke, Jedi Knight

Qui-Gon x2

Harc Seff


Han w/Blaster

Corran Horn

Lando w/Ax


Sorry about the mess/blaster prof

Tunnel Vision x2

A Jedi’s Resilience

Slight Weapons Malfunction

Jedi Presence

Weapon Levitation

Losing Track x2

Blaster Deflection x2

Too Close for Confort

Narrow Escape

You Will Take Me to Jabba Now

Someone Who Loves You


Changing the Odds

Gift of the Mentor



Goo Nee Tay

Ounee Ta

The Camp


A Gift


Luke’s Saber

Qui-Gon’s Saber

Obi Wan’s Saber

Epic Event (1)

I Did It

Strategy: ‘

I’d just like to add in for a certain person, WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW SPACE IN A PROFIT DECK??? Takes up too much space, I’d rather have the extra interrupts.

Now that I think of it I probably should play another Dodge, instead of one of the Blaster Proficiencys.

Well there’s some major retrieval in this deck, with the race, Han and I Did It. At the start pull naked Threepio to go threw your deck and pull all the sites out of there. Then grab Artoo and set up a gift. Artoo/A Gift and The Camp annoys the hell out of anybody playing Court and MKOS decks.

I’d probably like to have another Han W/Blaster instead of the General Solo, but since I don’t have one Gen Solo it is. He’s not bad, immune <3 which helps a little, and he can cancel a destiny with Chewie or a scout. Always nice to have him with Ben Kenobi just incase (which I’d like to have another of too, to replce the Kenobi, PL). But Kenobi,PL is good to back up that Monk you have draining alone.

Against Hunt down there’s no problem because you should be able to run away easy enough vs. their few characters or stick it up to battle if you’ve got enough to win.

Agents always gave me a problem, especially my friends who uses 3 Helrots to jump on me.

I’ve never played this against TIE’s and BHBM, so it is rather untested.

Against Set your Course, yeah whatever, until he flips you lose next to nothing so just wait for it and retrieve, if you play it right you can win easily with your drains. I beat a guy by 42 that way.

Stick the Monks at a 2-1 sight to get an extra drain or at Obi’s Hut, and Seff well he’s great if the opponent is chasing you down with an army, keep close enough to reduce the draining.

And I guess that’s that. ‘