The Animal Kingdom

Title: The Animal Kingdom
Author: Brian "vader106" Hollingworth
Date: Jun 30, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (9)


Death Star



Start Your Engines

Podrace Arena



Watto’s Box

Locations (4)

DSWar Room




Characters (12)


Emperor x2




Admiral Piett

Lord Vader


Janus Greejatus

Darth Maul

Officer Evax

Starships (9)







Flagship Executor

Zuckuss in ship

Bossk in ship

Interrupts (17)

Twi’ilek Advisor x2

Omni Box combo x4

Podracer Collision x3

Alter x2

Sense x2

Imperial Command x4

Effects (6)

Lateral Damage x2

Something Special Planned For Them

Come Here You Big Coward

Secret Plans

No Escape

Admiral’s Orders (2)

We’re In Attack Position Now x2

Strategy: ‘

I couldn’t do the strategy section at first, the power went out and I barely even saved this much. Sebulba carries the podrace, and all I need is a couple of fives and a podracer collision to win the race. It works every time.

First off, this is Tom, not Brian, Hollingworth submitting the deck. I do so in this way because I do not have an account, yet wish to submit this deck. Second off, the name of this deck has nothing to do with what I am trying to do. With the deck, I try to win the podrace, giving a 22 card swing, which will pave the way for my drains in space to do serious damage. With Merrejk and Chiraneau, I can set up a drain for 9 a turn at my systems.

Darth Maul He’s in here because he works in space. Unless opponent has the ability>3 guy in space, no ability. This means that half the time, I play him on a ship at a celebrating planet, and celebration is cancelled. I’m always careful not to leave him in front of power, because Corran Horn or Melas and other pilots could let them battle.

I play podracing because I have good enough destiny in here so that I will win it practically every time, and there is not really a necessary effect to start with a SYCfA space deck. Podracing is huge, and playing that works in this deck.

Emperor or Lord Vader at the docking bay keeps me from paying for drains for a while. Emperor doesn’t die until hit, because immune to attrition and SYCFA makes me immune to battle damage. Get Emperor there ASAP.

Arica&U-3PO stops their drains while I drain myself. Watch out for Arica, don’t put her in a place she can’t run from or be backed up by Lord Vader.

Officer Evax 2 deploy, 5 forfeit, pilot

No Escape gets back the podracing interrupt I just played in a tight situation.

Podracing interrupts insure that I win the race.

WYS Drain in space, Maul shuts down celebration, then go for the podrace with all the interrupts I have if they are racing also.

Slave Quarters Mains No Space, almost no drains, Emperor at the site for battle plan if it’s out, and to alter I hope she’s all right.

EBOExtra places to drain at for a while, kill the starships when they come out.

Profit Start Arica and get set up as fast as possible, Profit does some damage.

RST If they race, watch out. Sebulba still has an edge over Anakin, but be prepared because you might not always win the race. This is a tough matchup, because of that. Menace Fades sees action, and the system may not always be easy. It is a must to have it, because otherwise I only have a drain of 3.

QMC Watch out for Ten Numb. The guy is good. Maul cancels celebration, but I leave it alone unless I’m sure I can get Bespin early.