Final - Look sir Droids

Title: Final - Look sir Droids
Author: Robert "Djas Phur" Waygood
Date: Dec 17, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Cards 4 ISB Operations Coruscant Twilek Advisor Imperial Arrest Order

Characters 24 Probe Droid X 7 Vader w/saber Colonol Wullf Yularen Lt. Pol Treidum Zuckuss Djas Phur Officer Evax IG-88 Captain Needa Boba Fett (Special Edition) Captain Piett X 2 Danz Borin DS-61-4 Brangus Glee Grand Moff Tarkin Admiral Motti Captain Lennox

Interrupts 8 Ghhhk X 4 Abyssin Ornament Limited Resources Imperial Supply X 2

Effects 9 Broken Concentration Bad Feeling Have I Reactor Terminal Undercover There Is No Try Imperial Decree Vader’s Cape Presence Of The Force A Bright Center To The Universe

Starships 5 Avenger Mist Hunter Stalker Tyrant Conquest

Locations 10 Kashyyk Endor Cloud City Incinerator X2 Coruscant Docking Bay Yavin 4 Docking Bay Hoth Docking Bay Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay) Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Spaceport Docking Bay ‘

Strategy: ‘

I get the docking bays out with IAO and usually have flipped the Objective by my 3rd turn. Once the Objective is flipped I use the Ghhhks with the probe droids and retriev them with CC Incinorator and then get them into my hand with Piett and redeploy them with Stalker at Endor docking bay and move them for free elsewhere. I have a reasonably large force at both CC sites and use the docking bays to run (especially the Endor & Coruscant Docking Bays). I don’t battle but except what is given to me and retrieve with the Objective and Incinerator. Well this is the end product of about five slightly change decks I’ve posted what do you think? ‘