Uber-1337 Court

Title: Uber-1337 Court
Author: Rich "ONE-ARM" Jeffery
Date: Jul 4, 2001 Rating: 4.0



Okay first of all to give a bit of credibility to my deck and me I have been playing SWCCG since around Jabbas Palace. Since my first tournament I have repeatedly tested my skills against great players like Jim Li, Mike Raveling , Josh Kohman, and Josh Grace. And also against Lesser known player (but still very good) like Garrett Larson and Justin Alfs. I have learned from them and have enjoyed the games we have had. I am now rated 1672 (it’s not HUGE but it ain’t bad) and I am rising.

Now for the deck


Start Your Engines

Sebulba’s ‘LookIWin’ Podracer

Wattos Box

Boonta Eve Pod Race

The PodraceArena

The Audience Chamber

The Dungeon

The Pit where the Sarlacc lives

Court of The Vile Gangsta


Mara Jade The Emperor’s Hand-Maiden x2

Darth Vader Look Choppy Choppy You Die x3

Dr. E Combo x2

4– LOM x2

Palpy x2

Aurra Sing

Darth Maul


Prince Xizor

Mighty ‘Pimp’ Jabba




There is No Try

Secret Plans

Image Of The Dark Lord


Masterful Move x3

I Have You Now x2

Weapon Lev x2

Podracer Collison x3

Imperial Barrier x2


U are beaten x2

Operational as planned x2

Twi’lek Advisor

Omnibox/it’s worse

Force Field x2

Sniper/Dark Strike x2


Circle is now complete

Force Lightning

Hit Racer


Mara’s Saber

Maul’s Saber



Strategy: ‘

This deck plays a bit like a high destiny hunt-down.

Okay first turn you Star the race. If you have a Masterful move pull the Holotable b4 you draw race destiny. During your deploy phase deploy an alien to the Audience chamber. Jabba or Boelo are good choices, but Mara Jade is better IF you have the Force.

As the game progresses keep steady drains on Tatooine and Sent Suicide Vaders against Lukes and Obis. If they leave obi alone with a scrub the Circle is a perfect way to get rid of him. With no destinies drawn you are always guaranteed to win.

By the time you win the Podrace your opponent should be very close to dead.

Card Choices

Court This deck gives you a good base activation and also provides some direct damage. Also the bonus to bounty hunters helps a bit too.

Garindan A 4 destiny character who is a spy.

Image of the dark lord A good hologram to use for the Holotable. Why not Visage Well simply I don’t have any extras.

There is no try Why no combo and Why not Opressive too? A 4 destiny card is better considering how few decks play SAC now. Also I want to fit Opressive in but I cannot find enough room.

Only 1 grabber I only will grab the cards that are used interrupts that I know my opponent will be able to use over and over. Also when they lose from the podrace I keep an eye on what they lose so I know what they DON’T have a lot of copies left of.

Podracer collision x3? 3 copies of this because several time when I have had bad luck in the race reducing the opponents total is VERY needed.

Holotable A nice pullable location that give me more activation. I have not seen 1 LS deck that plays with a non-combo Houjix/Grimmtash/TT. And if they do lord vader’s image will pay them a visit.


QMC Take over their ground. Don’t let them hold any good drain sites. Even if they Run from you as long as you hold 2 out of 3 (or 3 out of 4 as the case may be) you should be fine.

EBO Drain FAST I suggest pulling Mara to start against this. If they want to play Menace Fades you can beat them off the ground.

Those are the 2 hardest match-ups. Any other match-ups play the deck like it was a non-dueling huntdown

Cards I want to add

Some Space

Light SAC

Docking bays and possibly Imperial Decree.

I am open to suggestions. If you have any questions please D-mail me before giving this deck a bad review.
