The Eternal Flame

Title: The Eternal Flame
Author: Mason "Palleon" Johnson
Date: Jul 5, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Quiet Mining Colony / Independent Operation


Cloud City Guest Quarters

Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Squadron Assignments

Your Insigt Serves You Well


Luke with Lightsaber x2

Obi-wan with Lightsaber x2

Leia with Blaster Rifle x2

Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol

Captain Han Solo

Wedge Antillies, Rouge Squadron Leader

Lando with Blaster Pistol

Dash Rendar

Qui-Gon Jinn

Tawss Khaa

Elyhek Rue

Ten Numb

Corran Horn


Pucumir Thryss


Millenium Falcon


Blue Squadron 5

Red Squadron 1

Red 7


Path of Least Resistance x3

Lift Tube Escape x3

Rebel Barrier x2

Power Pivot x2

Off the Edge x2

Houjix & Out Of Nowhere

Rapid Fire

Heading for the Medical Frigate


Cloud City Celebration x2

Menace Fades

Battle Plan


Lift Tube x5


Bespin Cloud City

Cloud City Carbonite Chamber

Cloud City West Gallery

Cloud City Incinerator


Intruder Missle x2

X-wing Laser Cannons ‘

Strategy: ‘

Playing Control the system and get your sites out

then spread your characters thin. Get celebration out and start draining and retrieving. Make them pay to drain with battle plan, and cancel their bonuses with menace fades If they try to battle you either run away if they come in large force, then slowly kill them off, or react a few jedis over and beat them off Bespin right away. Late game retrieve with edges and continue draining.

Lift Tubes Destiny sixes that can react over when the opponent tries to come down and beat you down, or use in conjunction with lift tube escape to run away from a massive beatdown. Also can be used to track for edges. These give you total control over cloud city.


TDIGWATT If you play smart this is an easy matchup. Take control of the system, and destroy them on the ground with lift tube + path beatdowns, cancel the deal if they get it going, and retrieve any losses that you might have had, and drain them out. One of the deacks best matchups, but be careful vs. SAC.

BHBM They wont be able to win battles against you, if you fill a lift tube with mains and fun it around the city. Cancel their drain bonuses, and retrieve any losses that they may inflict. Drain for ample amounts with Pucimir. SAC. is dangerous, but definitely not impossible.

Hunt Down Pods and Odds Keep insight to cancel their odds, and while their racing drain them for all you can, cancel their drain bonuses and make them pay to drain, i fhtey win the race retrieve with edges + celebration. Keep your jedi down to keep both players losing to visage. If you play smart this matchup can be won without to much hassle.

Ties Drain on the ground and retrieve with edges, get keep Bespin occupied for a few turns to retrieve with celebration. If you stock up in space you should be able to be able to hold your own for a while, shoot down and power pivot any destroyers or dreadnuts. Tough matchup, buit it can be won.

AOTBS Keep your drains and retrieval going make them pay to drain, and cancel their bonuses. Kill their BH ships, and if they come to you use path lift tubes to beat them off Bespin. Your high desties will help you in battle. This is a relatively easy matchup.

JP Mains Cancel their bonuses and make them pay, retrieve tons and cancel their battles. Watch for SAC. Play strong, and you should win.

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