SYCFA- Mommy Can I push the button

Title: SYCFA- Mommy Can I push the button
Author: John "Shadow 29" Anderson
Date: Jul 6, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Set You Course For Alderaan/ The Ultimate Power In The Universe


Death Star

Death Star Docking Bay 327

Prepared Defenses

A Million Voices Crying Out

Oppressive Enforcement

Something Special Planned For Them


Grand Moff Wilhuf Tarkin

Death Star Gunner x4

Admiral Ozzel

Admiral Chiraneau x2

Admiral Piett

Captain Godheart

Darth Vader With Lightsaber x3

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Iggy With Gun

Bobby With Gun






Dengar In Punishing One

Bossk In Hounds Tooth







Epic Events

Commence Primary Ignition


Lateral Damage x2

There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Come Here You Big Coward

Secret Plans

Crush The Rebellion


Imperial Command x3

Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us

Omni Box & It’s Worse x2

Control & Set For Stun x2

Gravity Shadow

Put All Sections On Alert x2



Yavin 4

Death Star Conference Room

Death Star War Room

Death Star Level 4 Military Corridor


Strategy: ‘

Early game

Grab something with Death Star in its title (the War Room or a Gunner), and Commence Primary Ignition. You may want to risk an early Command, especially if your opponent doesn’t have Wise Advice on the table. Set up activation, get your Superlaser and Gunners (to the War Room), and prepare to blast away Alderaan.

Mid game This begins once Alderaan has been blown away. Use Ultimate Power to get all of your systems out of your deck, and start setting up the Big Blue fleet. At your systems drain with Chiraneau and the flip side to utterly destroy your opponent. Don’t over-deploy. You want to save extra star destroyers to retrieve force and beat down your opponent. If your opponent does get careless, then lay the smackdown on him.

End game There shouldn’t be much of an end game if you set up the big drains. If you play against Jedi Testing or a very heavy light side space deck, you may need to consolidate your forces and just drain for 4 or 5 at 2 or 3 of your systems and retrieve when you can.

Okay, I don’t beleive too much in matchups, cuz it really depends on each individual player, and each individual deck. Sorry for a short strat, but really, thats all this deck needs. I copy and pasted from Word, so if theres tags, it ain’t my faul. Enjoy the deck, I sure do.

John ‘