The SUPERSTAR is back with a vengeance

Title: The SUPERSTAR is back with a vengeance
Author: Bastian "Death Star" Winkelhaus
Date: Jul 7, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

Set your course for hell/Whatever

Epic Events (1)

Boonta Eve podrace

Podracer (1)

Sebulbas podracer

Locations (9)

Death Star


Death Star docking bay x3

Death Star War room

Death Star conference room

Tatooine Podrace arena

Imperial Holotable

Characters (11)

Brangus Glee x3

Darth Vader with lightsaber x2

Emperor Palpatine x2

Darth Maul

Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba

Janus Greejatus

IG-88 with riot gun

Starships (3)

Zuckuss in Mist hunter

Boba Fett in Slave 1

Bossk in Hounds tooth

Interrupts (25)

Start your engines

Twilek advisor

Operational as planed

Put all sections on alert x3

Podracer collision x3

Masterful Move x3

Imperial Barrier x2

Elis Helrot


Trooper Sabacc

Holonet transmission


Force Lightning

Sense and uncertain is the future

Control and set for stun

Counter Assault

I have you now

Vaders obsession

Effects (9)

Wattos box

Lateral damage

There is no try

Battle Order

Blast door controls

3270 to 1

First Strike

No Escape

Visage of the emperor

Strategy: ‘

All right, history lesson.

Last year i built the Brangus Glee Superstar deck and it rocked.

Some people said that they liked hawkins deck better.

I didnt know that guy at that point but met him at worlds.

He played Brangus on CC though with some other objective.

Not my style but at least someone else who saw the power of brangus. But that guy has a different look on the game as other people as everybody who was at ramapo will know. So then Reflections 2 comes out and we build some WYS decks and they just kill my brangus.

Big time. Too much cheap stuff and brangus was just not fast enough. So i put my brangus aside. I would still play it for fun but not in a tourney. Then tattoine comes out and i´m thinking lots of decks and hayes hunter and me, we build an ISB space. We head to ramapo and its ok but not great. Hawkins played the dark deal stuff. But on sunday he showed me his brangus deck with podracing. Now he plays Set your course too. And i think cool, brangus might be back. Hawkins said its a deck that cant lose but read his TR from ramapo and you know that he likes to exaggerate things just a little bit.

So i get home and build my version. And it rocks again. So i talked to some people online and played a bunch of games with it on cardtable and give the deck to some people like Clint and Hayes who gave it to the Twiggs and so on and so on.

If you still dont know how brangus works, look at my first brangus glee superstar deck.

Whats in?

Podracing obviously. Start will be podracing with wattos box as effect. To win the race, you have 3 podracer collions. I play 3 because you need to find them before the race is over, which could be turn 4. Once you have 1, you can reuse that with brangus. Normally you dont have to use put all sections before winning the race and retrieving your lost pile including your dbs. Dont delay winning the race so you can retrieve more. That only allows them to play it could be worse. And it gives them more control over the cards they lose.

The Masterful Moves. Its a desiny 6, that cant hurt. Savrip is back. It can fetch holonet transmission with cancels transmission terminated so it also cancels out of commision which is also very annoying. Holotable is a nice location. And you can deploy visage on the conference room It costs 2 force but you retrieve that when you win the race. Be very aware of honor though. Once you got no escape out its all good though. They lose 11 from the race. So you are ahead. And the 1 per turn is good for brangus too. You can lose of top and if you find something that fancies you, go get it. You dont have to put the visage down there though. Sometimes its also nice to slap the savrip on the holotable.

DAMAGE This deck has many ways to deliver damage besides draining. Thats the influence of Hawkins. You have sabacc, which also cancels there tracking or leaves them with no weapon desinies on their turn if they activate too much, counter assault, numbers and you can do some big battle damage.

Whats out?

The whole tie squadron combo. No starting Mob points anymore. So no sure wakelmui. People dont play dbs that much anymore. You can still retrieve with first strike though. Thats a killer.

The extra locations. All locations i play now can be pulled. Yes, i only play 1 battleground where i can drain, and thats only when the race is over. But with all the other damage sources you can still win comfortable.

3 weeks ago i played in the netherlands and i played against 3 decks that all played 1 battleground max. I got 3 full wins against 3 good dutch players.

Big props to John Hawkins for showing me that brangus is back.

Have fun

Bastian Winkelhaus