Meals on Wheels (Coming to a Town Near You)

Title: Meals on Wheels (Coming to a Town Near You)
Author: Charlie "Bad Player" Herren
Date: Jul 7, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Death Star



Tat Podrace arena

boonta eve podrace

Sebulba’s pod

Start Your Engines

Watto’s Box


Death Star DB x2

Death Star War Room

Death Star Conf Room

imperial holotable


Brangus Glee x3

EPP Vader x3

IG with gun

Darth Maul

Emperor Palpy x2




Bossk in bus

Zuckuss in boat


Visage of the Emperor

Battle Order

Reactor Terminal

First Strike

No Escape

Secret Plans


Blast Door Controls



Masterful Move x4

Twilek Advisor x2

Podracer Collision x4

Ommni Box/It’s Worse

Pit Crews

Control/Set for Stun

Counter Assault


Holonet Transmission


This is Some Rescue x2

Force Lightning

I Have You Now

24 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Update #1 I don’t give a @#$%. Thank you. I didn’t communicate with Bastian or Hawkins on this deck, hence the differences between my deck and the general build they use.

I’m sure that enough people already know about this deck to go ahead and post it..

There isn’t really much in terms of specific strategies with the deck.. you just sorta have to play it and practice with it.

First couple of turns, draw your race destinies, pull your Death Star sites with SYCFA, and draw some.. The race is usually over on turn 3-5, possibly more if opponent provides disruption.

Early Visage at the conference room is huge, since many people don’t really expect visage from a non-huntdown deck. Holotable drain is nice as well, so use Visage where you see fit.

SHUOSHD is in to counter Bacta Tank and HDWGITM, which are huge. Hit-and-fade EPP Vader with high destinies can clear sites, and with Brangus, you’ll never stop the barrage. OOC can be a big problem, hence the Holonet with Masterful Move x4 -and- This is Some Rescue x2.

Also, if you have nothing better to do with your DBs, you can pitch them to Visage and keep yourself from losing cards (along with PASOA every turn).

Average destiny minus starting cards and locations that can be pulled is over 4.

vs. RST podracing

I built this deck primarily to counteract the ”boomrace” deck. Monnok can be huge here, since this deck needs to get lots of cards together to blow up the bunker. Recurring EPP Vaders ensure that the bunker doesn’t get blown up very easily.

vs. WYS or QMC

Recurring Vader with First Strike, potential for Set for Stun recurrance, plus the general lack of spies means that this matchup is in your favor. Be careful of evasion interrupts.

vs. space

Draw for your two ships and use Brangus to keep them in your hand or on the table. EPP Vader/Maul/IG, etc. can clear site(s) for Battle Order.

Basically, just play your game. The deck has quick damage, retrieval, and disruption.

Have fun with it while you can,


Charlie Herren