Hunt Down Racing

Title: Hunt Down Racing
Author: Jason "Mr. Black" Herrin
Date: Jul 10, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations 3

Podrace Arena


Meditation Chamber

Purple 3

Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi

Epic Duel

Boonta Eve Podrace

Characters 11

Lord Vader

Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith

Darth Vader With Lightsaber

Darth Maul X3

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand X2

Grand Moff Tarkin

Aurra Sing X2

Starships 6

Death Star Assualt Squadron

Boba Fett In Slave I

Dengar In Punishing One

Bossk In Hounds Tooth

IG-88 In IG-2000

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Weapons 7

Darth Vader’s Lightsaber

Maul’s Lightsaber X2

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Dark Jedi Lightsaber

Maul’s Electrobinoculars X2

Effects 6

Visage Of The Emperor

Watto’s Box

Reactor Terminal

Expand The Empire

I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


Poracers 1

Sebulba’s Podracer

Interrupts 23

Start Your Engines

Sense & Uncertian Is The Future X4

Alter & Collateral Damage X2

Sniper & Dark Strike X3

Weapon Levitation X3

Double Back X2

Weapon Of An Ungrateful Son X2

Vader’s Obsession

I Have You Now X3

Force Field X2

Strategy: ‘

Start with sye and sebulba’s pod. Pull watto’s box, the boonta, arena. Set up hunt down. Make sure to deploy you locations as follows; meditation chamber, holotheater, and arena. Later you can use expand the empire to increase your force generation by putting it on the holotheater with vader on the table . Go through your deck fast to get the terminal out if your opponent does’nt start too fast. Use aurra sing against any jedi with sabers hence all the weapon levs. Try to get maul somewhere with i find your lack of faith disturbing deployed on him. It virtually forces them to bring jedi to you. Until they do drain through the opposition and sniper what’s left. Mara is gateway to those otherwise hard to get places. She and aurra work well together so swat team them to clear and hold a site. As usual drop vader and tarkin together. if up against hidden base have no fear, bounty hunters are here. Most effective combo is fett in slave 1 with denger in pun. 1 and bossk in hounds tooth. If you get them al out on the table even better. Just go site to site and remove the opposition. Don’t forget the podrace. Just when they think it can’t get worse do the race and hit them for 11. Meanwhile you get all those nasty lost interrupts back that you’ve been killing them with the whole game. There are some finer points I have neglected to mention, but in playing the deck you’ll discover them.

Okay let’s address some of my reviewers concerns. First this deck is currently 68-1. For all of you who can’t count thats 68 wins and one loss. Low activation? Yes your right, I want to be able to control my OPPONENTS sites and not have to worry about my own dead wieght.

podracing not your bag, sorry not mine either. But a probable 22 card swing in my favor dictates otherwise. Also if you were looking carefully reactor term. is in here. You stack your race destinies folks. Stockpile your force early to mess with thier heads and do so intermitently through out the game. Also if they worry about Visage to the point of try to cancel it, make them deploy to the holotheater. Don’t let them trans term it. You want them where you can beat the piss out of them. And yes folks dsas has a purpose. it can pretty well hold a site on its own. Any other interesting bits?

Oh yes dbl back, it pulls bounty hunters from your deck and repeatedly retrieves aurra for lightsaber theft and jedi irritation. Maul with his e.binocs is very formidable with destiny stacking also.

Oh yes, the matchups

RST- no problem. Those pesky scouts getting under your shield? Here’s the recipe,

Maul+Saber+Sniper= no more worries. Next.

Profit- Again not much to worry about. Don’t deploy anything to the audiance chamber. Go to thier tat sites to kill and drain. Beware the sand whirl though, that was my one loss.

Hidden base- Tough match up but still a win. The hunter ships and force drains. Stack your destinies and draw well with dengar present in his ship.My highest battle destiny here was 5+6+my opponents 7 a-wings. It wiped out what was left of him.

MWYHL- worst case scenario, go to dagobah and kill luke (leia) and yoda. Deal with the rest of thier feable strategy; Probably mains and toys, maybe dagobah clouds, whatever.

WYS- Remember to pick the pieces of smuggler out of your teeth with your lightsaber. AKA the podracer speed bump course.

TIGIH-Get to endor quick with Maul and Aurra Sing. Sing steals lukes saber and Maul takes Him off the table. Next procede to sniper them all to death, those little scout punks

QMC- control cloud city. Pray thier foolish enough to play this against you. Best posible matchup. Lift tube escape? Cool, don’t leave a site unoccupied. Heh heh. ‘