Heart Attack v2 0

Title: Heart Attack v2 0
Author: Karim "kjedi" Jetha
Date: Jul 12, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Heart Attack, after games of playtesting…


Set Your Course for Alderaan/The Ultimate Power in the Universe


A Million Voices Crying Out Loud

Imperial Arrest Order

Oppressive Enforcement

Something Special Planned for Them


Lateral Damage

Come Here, You Big Coward

Battle Order


Death Star


DS Docking Bay 327

DS Conference Room

DS War Room






Lord Vader


Mara, TEH

DS Gunner x3

Captain Godherdt

Captain Gilad Pallaeon

Officer Evax

Commander Nemet

Admiral Motti

Admiral Piett

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Ozzel

Admiral, Grand Thrawn

Commander Merrejk


Imperial Command x4

Put All Sections on Alert x3

Tarkin’s Orders



Gravity Shadow

Prepared Defenses

Masterful Move

Twi’lek Advisor



Commence Primary Ignition











Accuser ‘

Strategy: ‘

if you’re going to give me three stars, that’s okay, if you tell me why.

I don’t think ***-NO is a good review, like what happened last time…

The start is V 2.0 is much more flexible than the earlier version.

You will definitely need Million Voices…

Battle Order is to hamper earlier drains, so I would start it.

And then usually IAO or Oppressive, so they can’t Naburn right after you flip, or to increase your destinies and to Protect vs. SAC a little.

Card Choices

Tarkin’s Orders/Gravity Shadow? Hinder Hyper Escapes, It Could Be Worse, and even Collision

Flagship? This card ROCKS Deploy it on a Destroyer, and it’s invincible. The rebels won’t dare initiate a battle against your flagship because THE WHOLE IMPERIAL STARFLEET WILL JOIN THEM. This includes Thrawn wherever he may be at the time… Try it, it’s godly.

Dominator? It’s a victory class, but Dom is still the bomb. Deploy cheap, high ability Dom is truly a pimp.

Nemet? This used to be DS 181 3 but Nemet cancels to AND from reacts. No hyper escapes, spiral, etc.

Evax? Forfeit 7, 9 when with Gilad. PIMP. (gametext is good as well.)

CHYBC? Aside from the conventional uses of this card, it can stop drains at DS system and all of it’s sites. ’Nuff Said.

Strategy there’s now two different strats.

The first is to play this like a non-flip BigBlue deck. Get heavy drains and the flip at your own leisure.

That puts the stress on the ls early, and is killer once you actually flip. I recommend this.

Number 2 is the speed CPI, it’s better against deck that take a while to set up them selves. Then you can make the most of your retreival, etc…

Blow up Alderaan. If you can pull that off (before turn 5), you should have NO TROUBLE in this game (assuming you’re smart).

I’m assuming you know how to blow up Alderaan… You prolly noticed that 3 DS Gunners and 2 Sites, and Superlaser prolly won’t be pulled in 5 turns, it’s okay you won’t need it all. You’ll need help against decks like EBO (and MBO), and it’s going to take longer… And if you botch it your first try, use PASOA to retreive up to two DS gunners, and try again…. (the first thing you do is get the superlaser on the ds… you pile the very first ds gunner, so you can start getting moving throught the parsecs.

vs. EBO don’t blow up alderaan. Blow up hoth. You’ll need to get EVERYTHING set up, but track something, and you’ll blow up their planet. This stops EBO, and makes them lose 16 force. After that, move back and maybe blow aderaan. If you want… Chiranu still works, and Marrejk pulls out systems..

vs. MBO I have no idea. I’d play it like the EBO strat. Who ever blows up the other one’s stuff first wins. Don’t flip, even though flipping gives you +3 force loss for each site… You don’t want the DS to get blown up… You will lose 14 force if it does, and that is bad. If Yavin4 is blown the ls will lose like 14-16 force… (if you manage to flip on the way to yavin, it’s almost thirty)

If the LS invades the DS through The DB with EPP’s just Put All Sections on Alert them. Then Hack ’em up with any combo of character to get 4-abiltiy. The LS will have no destiny, and you’re safe.

After you blow up Alderaan, have fun.

STEP ONE(SYSTEMS) Deploy a system every turn with your objective

STEP TWO(RETREIVE) Deploy 3-4 destroyers with ability-4 at your systems.
STEP THREE(COMMAND) Play Imperial Command to pull Adm. Chinny.

STEP FOUR(SHAKE YOUR OPPONENT’S HAND AND TELL HIM HE LOST) You now drain for +3 at all of your (battleground) systems

Endor (drain 5)

Sullust (drain 5)

Kashyyyk (drain 5)

Fondor (drain 4)

(I pulled out kessel ’cause I thought the drains are okay anyways, and it’s another zero)

Total (drain 19)

If your opponent has ANY cards on the table, this will eliminate most of his hand AND make him lose cards off the top AND disrupt his strategy.

If you can pull this off once, you will do fine. After this, deploy the rest of the destroyers in your hand in from of anything she’s got in the air… A battle is okay, you’ve retreived 3 for deploying, and forefit is enormous. Obviously, don’t do this in certain situations. (ie watch your step vs. Dash and Outrider…)

Just don’t be Stupid after you flip and it’s hard to lose.

If you still have Gunners out, you can send them to your used pile to increase your diff.

Okay, after playtesting, these are the changes I’ve made. It still hasn’t won a game, but that’s due to my stupidity, and not the deck quality…

Read my TR next week to see how it does in the tournement….

D-Mail me if you’re interested in what happens there regarging this deck.

D-mail me or E-mail me (kjedi@juno.com) or IM me (jediman jetha) if you have any more questions.

I’m out.

Karim. ‘