TDIGWATT-Daddy can I alter the deal

Title: TDIGWATT-Daddy can I alter the deal
Author: John "Alpha Blue" Anderson
Date: Jul 14, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (7)


CC Upper Walkway

Secret Plans

Prepared Defenses

I’m Sorry


Mob Points

Characters (16)

Grand Moff Tarkin

Admiral Ozzel

EPP Vader


Captain Bewil




Commander Igar

Boba Fett with Blaster Rifle

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

4-LOM with Concussion Rifle

IG-88 with Riot Gun

Darth Maul

Aurra Sing

Bane Malar

Admiral’s Order (1)

Battle Deployment

Weapons (2)

Mara’s Vibrator

Vaders Dildo

Starships/Vehicles (11)

Blizzard 2


Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

OS-72-1 in Obsidian 1

OS-72-2 in Obsidian 2

Tempest 1


Dengar in Punishing One

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter



Effects (9)

Lateral Damage x2

Dark Deal x2

Cloud City Occupation

Battle Order

Search and Destroy

Security Precautions

There Is No Try & Oppressive Enforcement

Interrupts (7)

Twi’lek Advisor x2

Imperial Command x2

Evader & Monnok x2

Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us

Locations (7)


Bespin Cloud City

Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay)

Cloud City Security Tower

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Cloud City Port Town District

Cloud City West Gallery

Strategy: ‘

Its still early

Okay, I chose Upper Walkway cuz it has good DS text and LS fd –1. Okay, now on to how to play this piece of @#$%. First turn, before you activate you grab two thingys from that red card you started with. Grab the stuff you can from your pile by the purple card Occupation, Deal, CC, and Bespin. Drop CC Docking Bay using IAO, grab Executor from Mob Points and such. Set up slowly by deploying some heavy hitters (i.e. SDs) to Bespin, drop the hunters and the TIEs to CC. Its all good….Now set up on the ground by dropping all your hommies there. Perhaps grab Piett with a Command and grab BD with Piett to further sollidify your position down in the floating city.

Half Time

Okay, now set up the deal and the occupation and wait for your opponent to come to you. If he comes, which he surely will have to because he’ll be spilling his guts, you whup his @$$ You’ve got a very strong ground force here with the walkers and power characters and should have no problem taking care of him. Drain and DD from CCO.

It’s the end of the world as we know it… (which btw, is a GREAT song)

Your strong, unmodifiable drains and the CCO should be really hurting him by now. If he tries a last ditch effort, finish him off with walkers and power hitters. The overflow should kill him. If he doesn’t come to you, just continue draining and DDing. If he’s playing ground, and you see a weak spot go in with some walkers and smack him.


vs. Hidden Base Grab SecPrec with YCHF. Pause. Brian Hunter Tech Drop Executor down on Bespin and leave it there. Probe Bespin and Executor is invicible. Play. Run around with everything else and probe stuff. If he’s playing HBX you should have no problems taking care of the wings and this deck usually doesn’t play with a lot of characters so you should have no problems draining him out.

vs. Ops Isn’t this dead now? If someone actually still plays this deck out drain him.

vs. RST Outdrain them and take control of Endor. DO NOT GO TO THE GROUND ON ENDOR. They will murder you with all this CAS and scout shiznap.

vs. EBO drop down Battle Order. Drop down 2 walkers at North Ridge. Make them pay 3 to drain. Most EBO decks don’t pack a lot of characters, just the EBG ones for early flip, so they won’t be able to fullfill the BO (funny acronym, huh?) requirements. These decks drain for loads, but usually they play EBOX so you’ll have no problems handling those snubs.

vs. Profit You get to pull Secret Plans, so no early flip retreive 10 thingy. Profit has a lot of DD and drains, however, like BH says you have more. Simply outlast them. If they try and come to your house, kill them because the only way to enter CC is through docking bay transit. Put some walkers and heavy hitters there and destroy them.

vs. QMC Ahhh, an excellent matchup. This game will consist of battling. It will be sooooo much fun. QMC nowadays tend to pack a lot of escape cards so watch out for those. Be sure to control the system so CCO will hurt them and CCC won’t help them.

vs. MBO They will blow up the Death Star causing lots of DD. They go to space for free. Try and invade Yavin IV early to destroy all there blow up DS helpers. Huge space battles will be in this matchup.

Dark Deal is an excellent deck and was so even before the new card. CC Occupation is huge and so are you drains which cannot be modified. Have fun

John Anderson