Vader with Troopers

Title: Vader with Troopers
Author: Todd "ChessMaster" Vandewalker
Date: Dec 19, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective Hunt Down and Drestroy The Jedi (Starting)

Locations Executer Holotheatre (Starting) Executer Meditation Chamber (Starting) Hoth Defensive Perimiter Tattoine Cantina Tattoine Lar’s Moisture Farm Endor Back Door Endor Dark Forest

Characters Admiral Motti Commander Igar Darth Vader x3 Darth Vader With Lightsaber x3 General Tagge General Veers Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Stormtrooper x20

Interrupts Abyssin Ornament x2 Dark Jedi Presence x3 Elis Helrot x3 Trooper Assault x5 Twi’Lek Advisor (Starting)

Effects Reactor Terminal Visage of the Emperor x2 (Starting) Well Guarded (Starting)

Weapons Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Strategy: ‘

First of all, this deck is for fun. I am not saying I am going to win a tournament with it, I am simply saying it is fun to battle with lots of stormtroopers. Ok, start HDADTJ (I use the OBJ pretty much to stop them from sensing my Trooper Assaults and Dark Jedi Presences), the Executer sites, and Visage. Build up the cards in your hand until you can deploy Vader and a ton of Troopers (remember they deploy free). Battle and then play Trooper Assault and Dark Jedi Presence. All your troopers are then power 6 and immune to all attrition. That means, depending on the ammount of troopers you battled with, they will have a huge ammount of battle damage. If they don’t have a Houjix, one battle can win you the game. I know it doesn’t have any ships to stop Hidden Base or Battle Plan, but it gets a good drain on the ground. It has a drain potential of 10 providing JT #1 is not completed. I feel this is a fun deck to play with against your friends. Lemme know of anything I can do to make this better or more fun. Thanks ‘