All Killer No Filler QMC

Title: All Killer No Filler QMC
Author: Marc "Rahs" McRae
Date: Jul 21, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

Quiet Mining Colony

Locations (6)


Bespin Cloud City

Cloud City Guest Quarters

Cloud City North Corridor

Cloud City Lower Corridor

Cloud City Casino

Characters (15)

Luke Skywalker, JK x2

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Daughter of Skywalker

General Solo

Chewie, Protector

Lando w/ Blaster


Jar Jar





Keir Santage

Wedge, RSL

Starships (7)

Home One


Corellian Corvette


Red Squadron 1

Red Squadron 4

Red Squadron 7

Effects (9)

Menace fades

Squadron Assignments

Honour of the Jedi

Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Goo Nee Tay

Cloud City Celebration

Projection Of a Skywalker x2

Traffic Control

Interupts (19)

Heading For the Medical frigate

OOC & TT x2

The Force is Strong… x2

A Jedi’s Resilience x2

Organized Attack x2

The Signal

Gift Of The Mentor

I’ve Got a Bad feelng about this


Path of least resistance

Life Debt

Don’t Get @#$%y

Run Luke, Run


Weapons (3)

Anakins Saber

Obi-wans saber

Lukes Saber

Strategy: ‘

Ok I got alot of complaints about the corvette. Believe me when I say I would rather have a spiral there if I had one. But I am looking for one. Also don’t have qiggy and much perfer the LS, JK over Son Of Skywalker because of the destiny draw and added power.

Thanx for all your ideas so far. Keep em coming

QMC went from being a laugh to being one of the best Light side decks around.

First my destinies in the deck (not inclding sites or starting)

1 - 11

2 - 7

3 - 7

4 - 4

5 - 14

6 - 5

Most of the low destines being cards that make it to the table quickly ts a very good attriton and swing, swing deck.

Starting I start with guest quarters as my battleground site and KTEOF with Squad Assignments. I option menace fades or Honour of the Jedi depending on what my opponent plays.

On my first few turns I jst throw out my sites using the zero side. Once I have a few Pilots and/or starships in hand or a Capital ship I deploy to Bespin. You also want to have 2 other characters to deploy to sites at same time. deploy your characters to adjacent sites and flip. Now look through our force pile and grab whatever card you want. Move one of the characters over to others site to help aviod beatowns.

Now that its flipped and can’t be fliped back. during both your own and your opponents turns you can grab a card from your force pile. The ability to do this is crazy. Instead of drawing up cards you know you don’t need just to get a card you need like a saber or a main ou just search and grab.

If the lightsaber you are looking for isn’t there but Gift of a mentor is use it to grab the stick from reserve. See a pilot/starshp that matches one in or hand grab it. Or grab the pilot/starship then use Squad. Assignments to get the ship from reserve. The possbilities are awesome.

Some card explanations

  1. Yoxgit - he deploys for free, is power 3 and is perfect combo card for A jedi’s Resilience. Allowing you to grab a weapon from lost pile into hand.

  2. A Jedi’s Resilience - Use the high forfiet of Liea, Obi or Luke to get rid of any battle damage/attrition then grab them back. Use yoxgit to get the weapon back next control phase and deploy them both again for the next fight.

  3. CC Lower corridor - If your like me you hate to give up two icons but with Luke and his stick you have power 10 and a drain for 3.

  4. Jar Jar - great assasin.

  5. Organized Attacks - Give my red Squadron boys more power and that wonderful immunity to attrition.

Its very easy to deploy pretty much anything you need because you almot never draw up your force pile so you always have lots to play with.

As well there are tons of destiny adders in thi deck. Against Crush the rebellion its not quite as effective but still nice. Always try to use teh LUKE + RUN LUKE, RUN + I HAVE A BAD FEELING… combo to really lay a beat down on opponent. And if you have a path of least resistance in hand as well it can really hurt.

Anyways it is a really fun deck that is always played exactly how you need it to play. ‘