Turbo Bikers

Title: Turbo Bikers
Author: Adam "General Solo" Prosak
Date: Dec 20, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Objectives(1) Endor Operations

Locations (10) Endor (start) Endor Bunker (start) Endor Docking Bay (start) Endor Dark Forest Endor Ancient Forest Endor Forest Clearing Endor Dense Forest Carida Raithal Kashyyyk

Characters(12) Darth Vader, DLOTS x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Commander Igar the 7 unique bikerscouts

Vehicles (3) Tempest 1 Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest Scout 6

Starships (8) Executor Avenger Devastator Boba Fett in Slave I Dengar in Punishing One Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Vader’s Personal Shuttle Dreadnaught

Interupts (18) Twi-lek Advisor x2 Tactical Support x3 Imperial Supply x4 Masterful Move x2 Monnok Ghhk x2 Imperial Barrier x2 Shut Him Up or Shut Him Down Overwhelmed

Effects (8) Perimeter Patrol (start) Battle Order (start vs. Ops) Oppresive Enforcement There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2 Traffic Control Broken Concentration Security Precautions ‘

Strategy: ‘

This originally started out as a Big Blue Rumors deck. Once you have that deck, changing the pilots to Biker Scouts and adding a few Endor sites made flipping easier. The flip was essential at avoiding the EPP multiple destiyn machine in space. The EPPs were nullified with Perimeter patrol, walkers, and limit of one battle destiny. When I added Imperial Supply and Tactical Support, I could flip and rack up big drains very fast. This drain deck is better than ops of ISB because it can fight for it’s drains and this isn’t totally reliant on Ghhk to stop the beatdown. Perimeter Patrol and Imperial Barrier prevent deploying and Battling on Endor in the same turn. Fighting is much easier with this deck.

The first thing you need to do is deploy Ominous Rumors on the first turn. Then all you need is a tactical support and an additional Endor site to flip. If you have control of the Endor system, you can count on keeping Endor ops flipped the Entire game. When you play tactical support, get Dresolyn and Irol so you cna pair them up to add a battle destiny. Don’t worry about keeping lone Troopers on Endor. Perimeter Patrol and Imperial Barrier will stop deploy and beat decks. As a backup, you have Ghhk and you can move to the Bunker to avoid the Rebels. If you think you’re in for a battle in space, deploy most of your fleet at Endor to keep you objective flipped and the extra drain from Establish Secret Base. If your playing against an opposing celebration deck, take control of their system and don’t worry about flipping. The +2 drain from Rumors will add up quickly.

To disrupt your opponent’s strategy, use Bacta Tank and Masterful Move to cancel the best two LS effects. Then Vader/Tarkin or Igar/Tempest 1 can do some damage or help hold Endor. Overwhlemed is for a Clawed ship or a dealy falcon with low power.

ops- start battle plan. This slows his drains down enough for you to get some good drains in. A first turn Masterful Move/Monnok is dealy unless you see Yarnal. Dagobah- start Broken Concentration and setup asap. A few big drains before JT#1 is huge. Play the rest like M&T M&T- start Perimeter Patrol That and Imperial Barrier to stop beatdown. move your troops into the bunker after you flip and go for the drain in space. HBX- start Security Precautions. flip quickly and get in drains on Endor while fighting in space. If they don’t flip, your drains on Endor will win. If they do, Probing at Endor and their drain systems will slow them down.

edit- I originally did this decklist from memory and I forgot the two most important cards, Ominous Rumors and Establish Secret Base. Take out the Dreadnaught and one of the Twi-leks for these two cards ‘