That Ain’t Even Kosher

Title: That Ain’t Even Kosher
Author: Nathan "Xavier Six" Cardamone
Date: Jul 23, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (7)

Quiet Mining Colony/ Independent Operation


Cloud City Guest Quarters (or your preference)

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice

Battle Plan

Locations (3)

Cloud City Lower Corridor

Cloud City Platform 327 (Docking Bay)

Cloud City West Gallery

Characters (20)

Qui-Gon Jinn x2

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2

Daughter of Skywalker

Leia With Blaster

Luke With Lightsaber

Chewie the Protector


Corran Horn


Tawss Khaa

Bron Burs

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2

Lando With Blaster Pistol

Padme Naberrie

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Major Haash’n

Starships (7)

Home One


Artoo-Detoo In Red 5

Red Squadron 1

Z-95 Bespin Defense Fighter x2

Lando In Millennium Falcon

Interrupts (11)

A Jedi’s Concentration x2

A Jedi’s Focus x2

Blaster Deflection

Clash Of Sabers x2

Gift Of The Mentor x2

Off The Edge x2

Effects (5)

Bacta Tank

Cloud City Celebration

Goo Nee Tay

Lightsaber Proficiency

Menace Fades

Weapons (7)

Anakin’s Lightsaber

Jedi Lightsaber x3

Luke’s Lightsaber

Qui-Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber

X-wing Laser Cannon

Strategy: ‘

I dislike writing strategy sections, but people rate you badly without them so here we go.

The goal of this deck is to flip and bunker down. It is all about them coming to you not the other way around. If you by some chance get a one turn flip hand (doubtful) take it and move everything to the docking bay. Otherwise play hard for the flip, because once you flip your set. Just bunker down in the Lower Corridor and hold Bespin, the rest is pretty basic.


You have essentially 7 lightsabers that can be in play at one time, however the 4 non-uniques are just force drain adders and for use with some of the Jedi Interupts.

You also have quite a few built in weapons; use them and the built in destiny adders well.

Leia and chewie deploy super cheap together in the Guest Quarters.

Once flipped use the liberty as near infinite forfeit fodder as it can be reborn next turn.

Major Haash’n is key to stopping that darn Lateral Damage.

Wedge in RS 1 and Corran Horn in Artoo in Red 5 are an awesome duo especially if one has the x-wing cannon.

The Gift of the Mentors are for lightsaber pulling but in a jam use them for destinies.

Retrieve, it is key. If you hold Bespin, you can Off the Edge, Celebrate to get it back, and pull it again all during your control phase. It Rocks.

Some characters are better in space, others on land, use common sense when deploying. However, Lando, Corran, and some others are good for both; let your opponent show you were to put them depending on his moves.

Don’t fear the duel too much but do be cautious. Use your duel cards if possible. Only Jedi Luke and Q-Man should duel, unless your really not worried keep Ben away from Vader and Maul.

Aura is a pain. Kill her if possible.

Clash of Sabers works with anyone with a lightsaber, don’t make Orrimarko with Jedi stick and Chewie fight Vader and Maul together, Clash one of the fools. (Maul usually)

Bespin Defence Fighters are nice. P=5,M=4 at Bespin and after the flip they deploy for 1 and are immune to > 4, low forfeit though.

Goo Nee Tay and Bacta Tank are both huge in tight games. Menace Fades and Battle Plan are perfect for this deck and can strangle the life out of some Dark Side decks.

Make sure Bron Burs or Tawss stay with force drainers so when flipped the drains can’t be cancelled or modified by the opponent.

Geez; there is a lot more but I’m tired off typing. Rate it what ever. The powerful version of this I’ll post next week. It kills and ills.