Get Out the Plow We’re Going Farming

Title: Get Out the Plow We’re Going Farming
Author: Michael "choker" Sorrell
Date: Jul 26, 2001 Rating: 4.5




You Can Either Profit From This/Or Be…

Aud. Chamber

Jabba’s Palace

Heading for the Medical Frigate

The Camp

Wise Advise/Do Or Do Not

Don’t Do That Again

EPP Han [Imprisoned (]


Qui-Gon x2

Ben Kenobi x2

Jedi Luke x2

Master Luke

EPP Leia x2

EPP Han x2

Beru & Owen x3


Naked Threepio

EJP Lando


Corran Horn



Legendary Starfighter for the Jedi

Honor of the Jedi


A Gift


Harvest x4

Clash of Sabers

Run Luke, Run

Weapon Levitation x3

Out of Commsion/Trans. Term. x2

Bith Shuffle/Desperate Reach

Nebruin Leids

Tunnel Vision x2

Leia Frees Han For Free (Someone Who Loves You) x2

Gift of the Mentor

A Jedi’s Resilience

Sorry About the Mess/Blaster Prof.


Qui-Gon’s Saber

Anakin’s Saber

Luke’s Saber


Moisture Farm x2

Slave Quarters x2

Cantina ‘

Strategy: ‘


Take out a weapon lev. for an It Cold Be Worse. I hate podracing too


I want to make it widely known that I was not attempting to come up with the most powerful light deck out there. On the contrary, I am simply putting forth what I see to be one of the best alternatives to the WYS harvesting that theses days is becoming SO popular. My reason for choosing the Profit set-up is quite simple. I wanted to chiefly find a deck variant that revolved around tatooine (that way I would not have to rely on Nebruining all over the place between harvests). Secondly, I wanted to use a deck with a lot of direct damage/beat down potential. And third, I wanted to use a deck that would keep the opponent on their toes. When most dark side players see WYS their first reaction is to make one of their three startibg effects Secret Plans. Thus, I purposely started the EPP Han imprisoned so the opponent wouldn’t be tempted to stick out Plns for a starting effect. Ok…my rant is done

To play this deck is simple, but to master this deck is a whole other story. The complication lies in the fact that you don’t start with any of the cards out that would aid in setting up your harvesting package. I’ve attempted to solve this in two simple ways. First, I run two Slave Quarters (a great twix site by itself) to aqllow me to set-up the ever popular Shmi/Threepio pull, which allow you to pull and dump all kinds of cards into your hand and into your reserve. On top of this, just for security, I run two tunnel visions of the original kind (because I will never play these cards for the Control should I use the combo) to allow me two a)help set up my harvesting mid-game or b)get nice battling card combos.

Your first priority in playing this deck should be to free han. In my area, I’ve tried some Profit decks every now and then just to mix it up, and no one puts aliens to the audience chamber at the start of the game. If they do you should have adequate power to kick them out. After all, they can sit at the audience chamber all they like while you haven’t flipped because they aren’t force draining you to cause any dramatic change in the game. Play patiently in order to guarantee the clearing of the Chamber when you choose to invade Jabba’s infamous layer. The Harvesting then comes in after you’ve flipped your objective because the harvests are designed to make up the ground you lost when attempting to free han. My big problem with Profit is the light side seems to start in a whole from the very beginning (w/ the ds’s ability to deploy aliens to the chamber and also with the intense effort it sometimes takes to flip your objective). If you play your cards right, literally,the Harvests should alow you to retrieve first all the high destiny cards then place one of the low-destiny characters that you want to retrieve on the tope of the three high destiny cards just retrieved (I hope that made some semblance of sense). Then, activate up to the four cards you retrieved and use threepio’s text to pull the good character (just retrieved) into your hand. Now you have three good destiny still in your reserve to damage you opponent with. This strat should make clearing the DS off ground fairly uneventful.

As for space…well, I chose to go without a space package. This is why…let’s be honest, Profit NEVER was an objective meant to be space heavy. No matter how many landing claws or Home Ones I stick in, the DS still is going to have their way in space if they want to. Profit was designed to have the HUGE direct damage element for the sole reason that it was so weak in space. So I’m not going to try to attempt to do something Profit was not build to do…if you want to add in a small space package feel free.

The drains should be enough to overwhelm and dedicated DS space deck, considering ties are very unpopular today and all the big blue decks will be slow to start with Don’t Do That Again on the table. Profit simply wins with speed against space.

Don’t Do That Again also allows me to pull one of three of my immediate effects. Although I would not recommmend pulling A Gift cause Artoo can pull it himself. The starting effects in general are designed to slow the opponent by denying activation and increasing the opponent’s deploy. Then I have to have SAC protection from the combo card. The “Legendary Starfighter for the Jedi” as I like to call itis so cool. The destiny is so high that it won’t be hard to knock out a dark jedi (considering there’s so many of them these days) with one of your jedis.

I played this deck for a while now and I really enjoy it I’ll just explain some more of the card picks for ya…

Weapon Lev. x2 is essential. Geting my Lightsabers on my mains is so crucial to my success. You and I both know just how annoying those lightsabers can be on a jedi when Profit is flipped (or unflipped for that matter).

Out of Comm./Tans. Term. x2 and Run Luke, Run. Hunt Down protection. Nough said

Grabber. Since this deck kinda does its own thing it’s imperative that you have atleast one grabber in here, so your opponent can’t do his own thing (if you know what I mean).

Master Luke. I like that he deploys for free and can send an alien back to opponent’s hand. This comes in very handy when trying to clear the Audience Chamber.

Someone Who Loves You x2. I get to free Han without a fight…come on…that’s an offer I can’t pass up.

No Space? Read my rant above.

Only two copies of Qui-Gon and Ben. I feel like I fave enough w3ays of getting them out of my deck that I’m confident they’ll be there when I need them. If you worry about getting them out, stick in that site from Tatooine that allows you to play a jedi from reserve deck. It’s up to you.

Well…I could write some more, but I’m tired. Hope you guys like some of my ideas and the general alternative this deck provides. I’m not claiming this is world championship quality or anything, but I can vouch that it’s very solid. PLay Star Wars and remember….have fun Sometimes we unfortunately forget this

Michael “the spider monkey” Sorrell