BHBM deck

Title: BHBM deck
Author: Christopher "chris"99"man" Seymour
Date: Jul 27, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)


Death Star 2 Docking Bay

Insignificant Rebellion

Your Destiny

Prepared Defenses

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

You Cannot Hide Forever

Characters (13)

Lord Vaderx4

Mara Jadex2

Darth Maul

Emperor Palpatinex2

Kir Kanos

Janus Greejatus


Commander Igar

Sim Aloo

Locations (6)

Executor Docking Bay

Death Star2 Docking Bay

Endor Docking Bay

Tatooine Docking Bay



Weapons (5)

Vaders Saberx2

Mara`s Saber

Mauls Saber

Vibro ax

Interrupts (12)

Defensive Fire and Hutt Smoochx2



Rise My Friend

Focused Attack

Dark Jedi Presencex2

Effects (9)

Dark Watersx4

No Escape

Bad Feeling Have I

Reactor Terminal

Presence Of The Forcex2

Vehicles (1)


Starships (5)


Fett In Slave1

Bossk In Hounds Tooth

Dengar in punishing1

Thunderflare ‘

Strategy: ‘

First Turn Pull Docking Bay from Reserve deck. Put Emperor at death star2 docking.

Second Turn Force Generation of 7+ what opponent gives you. You should have a vader.

Deploy another docking Executor or Endor. Deploy Vader. If for some reason you haven`t just deploy someone else to docking bay.

Then after that just start to battle and force draing and dueling.

Against Hidden Base-all space

just drain away with lightsabers and presence and start probing with your ships.

Against a fast setup drain deck like There is good in him deploy dark wasters to stop draining then battle.

Most of the time the dark waters works really well against WYS or fast draining deck.

Dont Do that again wont effect to much because youve got starships and systems to occupie. If You are finding you cant get them out play dark waters to stop there drains.