Hidden Base / Jedi Pile

Title: Hidden Base / Jedi Pile
Author: Jason "azreal6" Herrin
Date: Jul 29, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (7)

Yavin 4






Yoda’s Hut

Characters (14)

Luke Jedi Knight

Luke Rebel Scout

Obi-Wan Kenobi X2


Qui-Gon Ginn X2



Jar Jar Binks X2

Threepio With His Parts Showing X2

Gen. Blissex

Weapons (6)

Qui-Gon’s Saber

Obi-Wan’s Saber

Luke’s Saber

Anakin’s Saber

Bionic Hand X2

Starships (12)

Tantive IV




Nebulon-B Frigate X2

A-Wing X6

Effects (3)


Honor Of The Jedi

Traffic Control

Interrupts (13)

Sense & Recoil In Fear X3

You’ll Find I’m Full Of Surprises X2

A Jedi’s Resilience X2

Gift Of The Mentor X2

It Could Be Worse X2

Blaster Deflection

All Wings Report In

Starting (5)

Hidden Bese…

Rendezvous Point

HB Indicator

The Signal

Haven ‘

Strategy: ‘

Turn 1 Pull Dagobah and Yoda’s Hut or another system if you drew them or they’re in your force pile. Deploy any A-Wings you had in your draw to RP for free and move them out. Also save spiral for reacting later, although its okay to play the Tantive first turn for one. Take control of space quickly. If you show enough aggresion here your opponent might hold back from deploying to your systems and later finding your hidden base. Draw up if any left.

Turn 2 Deploy another system, but while you do so keep tabs on whats still in your reserve deck and whats in your force pile. If opponent is showing Hunt Down or ISB try to locate your undercover spies and put them to work. Keep in mind that if your opponent has HuntDown and deploys power of the hutt to start expect to see Ehpont Mon at the holotheater. He thinks you can’t drop spies anymore, he’s right. But Jar Jar isn’t a spy. So use him to gain access to the theater, hopefully with another character, and battle Mon away, usually using Jar Jar’s game text. Back up whoever you have there next turn. Drop more a-wing’s and ships and move them out to your systems. Shore up your defense quickly.

Turn 3 Your activation is now enough to drop a couple of jedi a turn. Gift for thier sabers and put them on the ground. Also get Blissex to a capitol ship to use his text. A-wings that surround him are much nicer to battle TIE’s with. Start to really get your drains going now. With jedi on the ground and your fleet in space you should be set very well.

Turn 4 Deploy another system and again find out whats where. By this time you should have a threepio and traffic control on the table. If you have all wings use it to go get more a-wings and drop them to RP. Start to really pay attention to stacking your destinies by now. At this time your opponent should have enough forces marshalled to begin an offensive.

Turn 5 Deploy a system. Force drain. Hold your sense cards for your opponents attacks. He wouldn’t attack if he didn’t think he could win. Is opponent running lots of aliens, maybe a good metagame choice in your area is A Jedi’s Focus. If not, then stick with A Jedi’s Resilience.

Special Note’s

If running up against HD and you battle and have to lose a character against Vader, lose Luke or Obi-Wan. They can’t duel you. Also, duel Vader out of play as fast as you can. It’ll handicap thier deck badly. Just stack your destinies and you should never have a problem dueling or using Jar Jar.


Ralitiir Ops- Use your systems for activation early on and get jedi down fast. Deal with thier biker scouts or elite stoorm troopers quickly to keep from letting him flip. Then concentrate on controlling the system itself.

Hunt Down- Well I seem to have a lot of note’s on this already.

Court Decks- Attack quickly and painfully if you choose to set foot on the ground at all. If not just go ahead and lose 1 every turn while they lose considerably more in space. If they can’t flip they don’t tend to get much retrieval.

Agents Of Black Sun- Caution is the word that is best used when playing this deck. Let them make initial moves of attack and then interrupt to upset thier plans. Qui-Gon is great for holding down imperial sqaure or city. Utilize your undercover spies to upset thier strategy.

SYCFA/TIES (flip)- It becomes a drain race to start and finishes as a free for all. If they play many sites to the death star try to control a key one in his firing sequence. This should stall this system hungry monster down long enough to drain in space. Get your systems out and flip. Protect yourself well against thier TIE’s. Hope they don’t have a dreadnaught with a sqaudron and play all power to weapons on you. Juditious use of sense and it could be worse will go a long way to beating this deck.

Podracing- It could be worse protected with sense.

TDIGWATT (Dark Deal)- Similar to playing against HD but with a shift in your focus. Just sit on one of his sites with as many jedi as you can. Let him come to you and battle. Remember to interrupt to upset his strategy.

There are more match-ups but I haven’t played agaist them yet. So I’ll update as I play these decks. Let me know what you think. Be kind I’m no expert and I don’t have access to all the cards out there. Thanks. ‘