Timer Mine Madness

Title: Timer Mine Madness
Author: Ghost "Ghetto 6" Face
Date: Jul 30, 2001 Rating: 4.5



’ Locations(9)


Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Dejarik Hologameboard x2

Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room)

Hoth Echo Corridor

Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Hoth Echo Med Lab

Hoth Main Power Generators

Characters (15)

Baragwin x4

LIN-V8K (Elleyein-Veeatekay) x7

Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout


Zev Senesca x2

Vehicles (2)

Rogue 2 x2

Starships (2)

Gold Leader In Gold 1

Lando In Millennium Falcon

Interrupts (7)

Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes & Out Of Somewhere x2

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated x4

The Signal

Effects (9)

A Gift

A New Secret Base

Projection Of A Skywalker x4

Weapons (17)

Power Harpoon x2

Timer Mine x15

Devices (2)

Landing Claw x2

Strategy: ‘


Yeah, More proof that i’m retarted, drop the 15th mine for the 4th marker.


Ok,this was an old concept, that was originally killed by Secret plans and Come Here You Big Coward.

No one uses CHYBC anymore, and secret plans is scarce. Due to the addition of A new secret base, the deck activates a buttload of force, and can deal with it.

So, simple enough, sit your baragwins and Yoxgit under the shields and continually retrive your timer mines. Drop droids at all the opponents sites to prevent them from actually doing anything to you. Bury mines where ever possible(especially the 4th marker, to keep them off of hoth).

A new secret base pulls the needed sites to activate a lot of force, after all the hoth sites are down, pull the dagobah system and use it to pull the Hut.

Every battleground site your opponent deploys(which isnt’ many in today’s environment, deploy a mining droid) As your mines explode, use the baragwins to retrieve them.

Get set up with the holotable and drain for 2 a turn, not much damage, but you should slowly kill all their chars off, while retrieving all your mines, 3 on your opponents turn, 3(or 4 if you use Yoxgit) on your turn.

Now, everyone will say this will lose to a dedicated space deck, and every one of them is a complete f*cking retard. This thing owns space decks. With 2 landing claws that never go away thanks to the baragwins and yoxgit, and the constant massive retrieval, they’re done. I took a space deck, from a drain of 7 a turn to 3 a turn, and for 11 turns, they saw the same timer mines, over and over again, that was all.

Hunt Down isn’t a problem,and if you can’t cancel visage, oh well, Vader won’t be at a battleground that often anyway, so they’ll take damage from it to and you can just retrieve it.

BHBM is fine, pay the force to dock yourself a mining droid over to the DS2 and get him to the throne room. Give them luke and keep a mining droid there, they’ll never duel, or else lose their emperor and vader. And all the while, causing themself damage. Rebel scout luke instead of Jedi luke cause he can force vader to the throne room, in case you want vader dead, and he’s good for killing walkers.

Court just flat out dies to this, they’ll never hold the AC, or even stay on Tat, so they lose 1 to their own Obj. Scum won’t stay down, cause they can never keep the AC safe, and you can always drop A Gift on a mining droid and still use him to drop mines.

Black sun isn’t really that tough, Xizor won’t be able to stay at a battleground for very long, neither will the emperor, and most AOBS decks dont’ play many battlegrounds.

Zev senesca and Rogue 2, why you ask?, cause he’s a god d@mn pimp, that’s why. Walkers could be a problem, not for zev, with the power harpoon, he draws a 2 and the walker is crashed, cancelling it’s game text, power, landspeed, and it can no longer sustain a pilot. So, Igar on Tempest 1 gets reduced to a power 0 nothing, that gets no destiny cause Igar isn’t piloting and there is no permanant pilot, While Zev on Rogue 2 is a power 5, maneuver 7(eat a D*ck dengar), that gets a destiny. They step out of the walker, boom, they trip the buried mines. This thing looks like a pile, and in actuality, it is, but it works. And to an un-suspecting opponent, it’s that surprise edge that will make them wish you used vaseline.