Quiet Gambling Colony

Title: Quiet Gambling Colony
Author: Alan "Palpadude" Sutton
Date: Jul 30, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Quiet Mining Colony


Cloud City Casino

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Do Or Do Not & Wise Advise

Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Your Insight Serves You Well


Cloud City North Corridor

Cloud City Platform 327

Cloud City Upper Plaza Corridor

Cloud City West Gallery


Gui-Gon Jinn

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x2

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber

Captain Han Solo

Leia With Blaster Rifle

Chewie With Blaster Rifle

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Corran Horn

Derrek “Hobbie” Klivian

Dash Rendar

Lando Calrissian x2

Pucumir Thryss


Luke’s Lightsaber

X-wing Laser Cannon



Millennium Falcon


Red Squadron 1

Red Squadron 4

Artoo-Detoo In Red 5

Lift Tube x3


Anakin’s Podracer

Cloud City Celebration x2

Reactor Terminal

Squadron Assignments


Changing The Odds

Cloud City Sabacc x4

Lift Tube Escape x2

The Bith Shuffle & Desperate Reach

Trooper Sabacc x4

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated

Sense & Recoil In Fear

Neck And Neck

Off The Edge x2

Path Of Least Resistance x2

Strategy: ‘

The strategy to this isnt very complicated. Theres 2 Landos so you can get him out quickly and put him at the Casino. Then use sabacc as much as you can.

I use Captain Han instead of Han With Gun because he’s a lot better on the Falcon.

I use Hobbie and Red Squadron 4 and X-wing Laser Cannons to protect against bounty hunter ships. The best way to defeat them is to hit them. RS4 fires it cheap, and with the destiny of this deck, any BH ship should be hit and lost.

I use Lift Tubes, Lift Tube Escapes, and Path Of Least Resistance to avoid battle if I’m overwhelmed. And if I dont need the Lift Tube, I can use Lift Tube Escape to put it back in my Used Pile, to get another destiny 6 circulating.

I need Do Or Do Not because my deck relies on interrupts.

The Bith Shuffle & Desperate Reach is to prevent tracking. I use Sense & Recoil In Fear in case the dark side plays an interrupt I absolutely have to cancel. Neck And Neck is for podracing. Even though I’m not using Boonta Eve Podrace, lots of my opponents do, and this really helps. One extra card slot isnt too much of a waste. And the other part of it can come in handy sometimes, too.

When using Off The Edge, target Leia or Chewie if possible. They are the least important of everyone that has a destiny of 1.

The reason I start with Your Insight instead of Squadron Assignments is in case they use a numbers deck. If they dont, I can easily get SA with it.