Train Madine

Title: Train Madine
Author: Matthew "Master^Matt" Twaddle
Date: Aug 1, 2001 Rating: 4.5






Heading For The Medical

Wise Advice

Battle Plan

Strike Planning


Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Dagobah Swamp

Dagobah Jungle

Dagobah Training Area

Tatooine City Outskirts x2

Tatooine Cantina

Tatooine Tosche Station



Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout

Luke with lightsaber

Obi-Wan with lightsaber x2

Lando with Blaster Pistol


General Crix Madine

Qui-Gon Jinn

Chewbacca, Protector

General Solo

Padm’e Naberrie

Lieutenant Blount



Glancing Blow

Weapon Levitation

Sense & Recoil In Fear

The Bith Suffle & Desperate Reach

Out of Commission & Transmission Terminated x2

Transmission Terminated x2

On the Edge x2

The Signal x2

A Jedi’s Resilience x2


Projection Of A Skywalker x2

Stone Pile x2

Undercover x2

I hope She’s All Right

Yoda’s Hope

Traffic Cntrol

The Way Of Things

Jedi Tests

1 to 5


Luke’s Skywalker

Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber

Ewok Catapult ‘

Strategy: ‘

Okay this is a good OLD Dagobah Deck im Training Crix other than

luke or leia as they are much better beating down with.

My starting effects i choose Battle Plan well to slow there

drains down while i wait for a site or something to beatdown with.

Striking planning is so i can start traing grab my crix.

Wise advice is so i add one to desting draws for training.

My starting plan is to grab training area deploy yoda and yoda’s

hope there and pull test one and if enough force play crix as well.

by the second turn i have the test one on table and ready for desting

draw next turn. im also pulling test every turn with training area.

And complete test after test to test 5. if you ask why train crix

well because i can pull my two scouts cracken and blount and play

undercover on them. Which will either kill a huntdown or stop a drain

for good. Stone piles are a great card i have pulled some gun crads

with this and also cut out mara or vader from the game if they dont

play mutilpiles. Projections are to stop big drains or even eliminate

big drains.The signal grabs my effects. A jedi’s resilience major kick

arse card. Text of card that i like cancel a duel by losing 1 force and

if you just lost a character with a lightsaber take him into hand.

Not bad Not bad at all. Weapon levitation steal weapon or grab weapon

for say Qui-Gon at the city outskirts or cantina.I know 4 transmission

terminated is pushing but huntdown is a big deck in my section of play,

and with hoonet tranmission i could have some trouble.

On the edge is main retriving card. sense well cancel a interrupt.

Bith suffle combo is mainly to stop imperial barrier which i dont need

played when i beatdown with luke with lightsaber

and obi with saber. Glancing blow well basically win a duel or make

vader power zero. My location selection is a tosche station i cant

actviate heaps of force and pay to drain. Cantina nice drain site.

City outskirts is too pull jedi probably luke or qui-gon i also play

two so i can get it early hopefully.

The way of things is a card to get before test 2 complete or just

when its complete so i can complete test 3 straight away.

I hope she’s alright is in there if i play a full space deck i can

play that and lose for for not having a character at a battleground site.

Traffic control well put cards you dont want. and ewok catapult for test 5.

Against other decks.

Hunt down

well i cancel visage so i cant just beatdown on there @#$%.

blount or ckacken will stop the reappear or visage or if

they keep on playing holonet tranmission.


well beat it like a @#$% just breakdown there drains and beatdown.


bonusues cancelled i would just have to watch for sandwhirls.

or walkers.

Black sun

Never played it before i would just see how they were playing it.

i guess try and get rid or xzior.


i get them to lose from i hope she’s all right for not having a ground force and it would just be a drain race.

Ral ops

i would have to go there and beatdown with epps-)

well i think thats it i cant think of any other decks at the moment.

i hope you like and i would like to thank luca for the help.

Thanks .Master^Matt.