Mark’s HB-X

Title: Mark’s HB-X
Author: Mark "MASSACRE" Carila
Date: Aug 1, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Hidden Base/SWSTYF

-Hidden base indicator-

Rendezvous Point



Squadron Assignments

Strike Planning







Hoth Echo Docking Bay



Obi-Wan W/ Stick x2

Mirax Terrik

General Calrissian

Dash Rendar

Farm Boy





Gold Squadron 1

Artoo-Detoo In Red 5


Pulsar Skate

X-wing x12


Organized Attack x3

Hyper Escape x2

All Wings Report In x2

Barrier x2

Power Pivot

The Signal



X-wing Laser Cannon



Projection Of A Skywalker x2

Incom Corporation

Honor Of A JediYarna d’al’ Gargan

Rebel Fleet ‘

Strategy: ‘

First turn Grab endor and deploy your ships to rendezvous point and move them for free to endor. deploy your locations as you get them. drop x- wings and other ships making sure they can’t beat you down with bounty hunter ships or big blue. get all your systems out. (if they dropped a few ships make sure they die before you flip) flip before they drain so you can chunk their drains(if they can’t drain you anyways, then wait until right before you drain) drop spies and projections as you get them. at the end of the game play all wings report in to retrieve a lot (or a little if you had a huge space battle or two)

i don’t have s-foils in here because it could kill me. i don’t like the way i can’t move. it could just mess me up a lot.

Coruscant-i don’t have it. sub it in if you got it.

out of nowhere and houjinx-it’s destiny reeks and i don’t have room for it. if your area plays big blue then toss in one or two.

i have a forest in here so i can drop immune to attrition guys to help me not lose from S&D

i got hoth EDB in here so i can drop incom corp. and they don’t get anything from it

monnok doesn’t hurt too much because i usually don’t draw a lot and my x-wings deploy free to rendezvous point so i usually don’t have that many doubles in my hand.


HD podracing

set up fast. instead of Insurrection start YISYW and grab honor asap. block off their feeble sites(don’t drop the forest)from drains and fortify space against their usually low amount of ships(make sure to be ready for anything though). lose the podrace then flip(or flip before).they can’t drain you and they usually have weak space so all wings report in (if you have enough life force) then kill them with drains. they can’t get vader out first turn(they don’t have enough force) and the podrace arena isn’t a battleground. they won’t be able to flip till late game(IF they get out a battleground) and they will be the only one losing to visage until they drop no escape. easy win in most cases


Take over bespin cc as fast as possible. take over bespin next. drop you spies(projections are useless) to stop them in their tracks. battle off their ships. they might take bespin again but make sure you take cc and hold it. they can’t get out dd and they don’t have enough space to probe(if they have any left) all wings report in to retrieve.cancel their drains(with spies and the obj.)and you win.


Give them ls, jk. projection their docking bays and use spies. fortify space and destroy any attacking forces. you have a semi-good chance at winning the duels because you have good destiny(they do too, probobly)make sure they don’t win any battles in space or at your forest and you win. all wings report in helps a lot after you lose a few duels. cancel the drains you don’t block and drain them to death in space.

d-mail me if you want to know another matchup. these are the main types in our area. (if your area is playing troopers then throw in a suprise assault to kill them like third or fourth turn)

thanx to all you people for reviewing my deck constructive criticism only please

have a nice day -MASSACRE-