Set your course for Endor

Title: Set your course for Endor
Author: Eric "BoomBoom" Largent
Date: Aug 1, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Set Your Course For Alderaan/The Ultimate Power in the Universe

Death Star

DS Docking Bay


Prepared Defenses

A Million Voices Crying Out

Secret Plans

Oppressive Enforcement

Locations (9)

DS War Room

DS Conference Room

DS Detention Block Corridor

DS Level 4 Military Corridor




Yavin 4


Characters (13)

Vader w/ Saber

Darth Vader

DS Gunner x3

Officer Evax

Admiral Piett

Admiral Motti

Admiral Chiraneau

GM Tarkin


4-Lom w/ Rifle

Dengar w/ Carbine

Starships (12)

IG-88 in IG-2000

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter


Death Squadron Star Destroyer









Interrupts (8)

Put All Sections on Alert x3

Twi’lek Advisor x3



Effects (7)

Come Here You Big Coward

Imperial Arrest Order


Expand the Empire

Reactor Terminal

A Day Long Remembered

Bad Feeling Have I

Other (3)

Commence Primary Ignition


Teemto Pagalies’ Podracer ‘

Strategy: ‘

DPC Atlanta opened my eyes to a lot of stuff I needed to change on this deck. At first, I only had 4 unique Star Destroyers and 7 non-unique ones (5 were Victory). I also added some of the effects (Resistance, CHYBC) that would’ve helped and included a podracer (no Sebulba’s).

Basically, set up as normal SYC decks. First turn, grab DS Gunner unless one in your hand, throw him down with a site or two, draw. Next, throw him in the used for Superlaser, get another gunner or site (gunners are better for blowing Alderaan up) and move to parsec 1. If they’re in space, you can put IG-88 and/or Zuckuss down with one Star Destroyer to back them up. Some time, to help with igniting the superlaser, put Expand the Empire on the Conference Room with Tarkin, Motti, Evax, or Piett on some of the sites for extra CPI points. Then, blow up Alderaan, and wreck havoc. If they’re on Hoth, Yavin 4, or a Subjugated Planet, go and blow it up. It’s fun. If not, put down Yavin 4, move DS to parsec 4, blow up Y4, play A Day Long Remembered (All Rebels and Rebel Starships deploy +8 if Obi not on table).

Now, have fun deploying for -2 to DS (-1 for Dominator), retrieving 27 force for your unique SDs, and force draining +2 at every battleground (+1 for Dominator). Also, pull battleground systems for the SDs to move/deploy to. And they’re all between 4 and 8. Put Chiraneau on a SD at parsec 6, and all force drains are at least 4 (3 with that crazy Dominator). Move the pilots (if they were on the DS) to the ships to take up attrition and have a good ol’ beatdown of a time. If force draining is a major factor, use PASOA to retrieve DS stuff so you can get rid of it. Also, an idea given to me by a guy at DPC don’t try and flip SYC, play TIEs, and use Strategic Reserves to cancel force drains with DS Gunners. Use your next turn to search for another one with SYC and cancel again. Great fun.

How it fared against….

Rebel Strike Team Well, like I said in the summary, I blew up Endor. I went about my business blowing up Alderaan, he went about his, blowing up the bunker. Then I moved out to Endor. He didn’t realize it until I played CPI and used 3 force for his sites. He had JK Luke, DOS, General Solo, Chewie, and some scouts all force draining for 8 or 9 and I was taking it. I was draining him the same with my SDs. Well, I blow up Endor and his guys and I win by 9. We both realized after the game talking before the next game that I couldn’t do that. Oh well, it wasn’t in the real tourney.

Watch Your Step Well, let’s see. I also got the crap beaten out of me. See, there it is (-31). Walked right into the DS and whacked my Gunners. Stupid me, I played PASOA to cancel the game text on one of his guys rather than retrieve my Gunners that died. Anyway, I ended up blowing up Alderaan with like 8 cards left so I got to deploy a SD and retrieve, but it was too late.

Hidden Base Well, the truth is, it sucked. Probably because of me, but you know. I didn’t lose too bad (-13), but that’s because my turn after he flipped, I probed with my SD I just deployed and it happened to be it. Hidden Base is out of play and I can drain again. But he’s got mad space too and weapons. He out kills me, but at least it was close.

EBO This and MBO are a bit harder b/c they’re Rebel Bases and they subtract from CPI. Patience is a virtue and I go to Alderaan and blow it up around 6 or 7. By then, EBO is draining to death, so bring out the SDs to stop. I end up retrieving a lot and it’s a close match. Probably should’ve thrown some SDs down earlier.

MBO A lot like EBO, without the drains. It’s great that you don’t lose +8 when DS is blown away. I used to play this deck until I realized EBO is the way to go (for me). Half the time MBO blows DS, other half, Yavin 4 goes boom. And since all the sites are +3 force lost, whichever side blows up first loses. Around 30 force lost for either side.

That’s pretty much it. This and my EBO decks were sort of mini-tourney reports, but I don’t remember enough to write one of them (one of the other things I learned at DPC). Anyway, give me any suggestions you have. Thanks.

Eric ‘