Nice and simple

Title: Nice and simple
Author: Darryll "217" Silva
Date: Aug 3, 2001 Rating: 3.5




Hidden Base=no more Coruscant Huntdown

Rend. Point

HFTMF Strike Planning Squadron Ass. InsurrectionAim High Locations(5) Endor Kessel Tatooine Alderan Tibrin Characters(19) Qui-Gon(Coruscant) 2x Jedi Luke 2x EPP Obi Orrimarko EPP Leia Tawass Khaa Melas Corran EPP Han General Cal Wedge Antilles, Red Squad. Leader Dash Rendar ECC Chewie Mirax Nien Nunb Derek "Hobbie" Klivian Artoo&Threepio Starships(6) Gold Squad. 1 Spiral Outrider Red Squad. 1 Red Squad. 4 Pulsar Skate Effects(5) 2x OMDH Bacta Tank DODNWA Menace Fades Interrupts(14) 2x Throw another charge Houjix OON Clash Signal Barrier Weapon Levy A Few Maneuvers Run, Luke Run Power Pivot I’ve got a bad feeling(triple card) Slight Weapons Malfunction Sorry about the Mess Blaster Pro. OOCTT Weapons(3) X-Wing Laser Cannon Qui-Gons saber Lukes Saber Podracer(1) Ani’s Pod ' Strategy: ' ********Update************* Before anybody says anything else take out Artoo and Threepio for kiffex, and that should satisfy all the battleground rules. Although later I will find space for Artoo and Threepio I can do fine without them at the moment. **********End Update******** Hidden Base has always been a good fall back Objective even with the new sets it just keeps getting more powerful and more Techish. The surprises will make you’re opponent whine like a baby. Early Game- Get you’re starting hand and see if Gen. Cal is there if not go get him and while you’re at it get Endor and if it’s not there get Tatooine. If there racing put down you’re pod. this deck doesn’t need and racing cards cause you’re high destiny can wipe them out. Pull you’re systems and then flip ASAP. Mid Game- By now you should have all you’re systems out and you should be flipped. Providing you are flipped you should have a hefty drain. If you see a card go to Tibrin and go get it, then use OMDh to get you’re lost pile back. I put the Run, Luke Run combo in because of the power it has(I’ll explain more later.) Go to the ground and beat away. get out you’re tank so the opponent fries his hide when Han comes back to haunt him. Retreive as necessary. Late game- if you won the podrace and followed my instruction I shouldn’t have to say anything else...But you may still want to know what to do...Drain, Retrieve, Battle, Win. Sounds good Huh? well like I said this deck is simple. CArd Choices- InsurrectionAim High- good card the reason I start with this is cuz I was roasted by a Naubrened Hunt Down Squad. Ouch... High ability Characters- Good for Retrieving with OMDH. Run Luke Run Combo- Nobody I mean..NOBODY will expect this from a Hidden Base so they will spread thinly and you can bring in Han, and another low power character ex.. EPP Leia. Drop Luke to the Adjacent site initiate the battle and play run luke run, Shoot Shoot, and Swing battle damage tripled play Weapon Malfuntion and you get 4 destines. on avergag the total power is 17wout destines Draw a 5, 4, 3 that 29 to say 16 39 battle damage...Ouch..Game Spiral- deploys cheap destiny 2 adds 2 ability. OOCTT gets rid of the new Hunt Down VaderMaul crap. Matchups******* BHBM- Man is this unfair, they have little if no space so you can drain for an even 6+ what ever ground BG’s you clear them off of . Drain, Retrieve, Win..Nuff said. ISB- Start Menace Fades to cancel there force drains bonuses, Watch for Big Blue and Trampling AT-AT piloted by Imperial Command using freaks, A well placed hit squad with Run, Luke Run can destroy them or use the triple card wHan in space...Win Court and CCT- Can be a pain because of Hidden Weapons, but the drains will make there bounty Hunter ships come to you, What do ya know Power pivot Bossk, Cannon Zuckuss Triple or Double,...Game. Try to not lose the early 1 each turn to the objective. Dark Deal- once again start menace fades for Insurrection, Beat there hit squads and you should win this match cuz you’re drains and Retrieval. ROps- They need Force Generation and whaddya know you don’t give them but 4, adn that can’t do much, don’t deploy Kessel unless you need the drain and you know theat the Force Generation won’t help them. Watch for the reacting Trampling AT-ST’s. They will have only adequate space to stop you so make sure you wipe out all the big stuff and leave a Ship or 2 at Raltiir, and they can’t flip, ouch....Overseeing it Personally won’t do much wiht menace fades. The only problem is that you don’t have any sites so there big stuff is gonna all be on Raltiir, Which means Qui- Gon and Obi are gonna have to clear out Tarkin and Vader then set up the Run Luke Run Triple and that will be game. This is the toughest matchup. Remember that the new Maul Hunt Down Dies cuz this deck can work it. If need be put in some Senators and you should be set for Couruscant. Late-217 '