uncle @#$%a/ podprofit dont loose

Title: uncle @#$%a/ podprofit dont loose
Author: Martin "Mart" Akesson
Date: Aug 5, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘start (7)

Profit/ you dont even have to flip to win

JP audience chamber

Jabbas palace

podrace arena

anakins podracer

han with blaster

boonta eve podrace


I did it

effects (3)

goo nee tay (mostly start)

draw their fire

honor of the jedi

locations (4)

rendezvous point

hoth war room

home 1 war room

yodas hut

characters (12)

lando with axe X2

luke with saber X2

obi with saber X2

qui-gon jinn X2

han with blaster (besides the one you start)


corran horn

threepio with parts showing


R2 in red 5


qui-gons saber

interrupts (31)

podrace prep

Tunnel vision X3

out of commision X4

double agent x2

a step backward x3

too close for comfort x2

run luke, run

were you looking for me?

jedi resilience X2

gift of the mentor

rebel barrier


sense X4

sense & uncertain is the future

bith shuffle & desperate reach

nabrun leids

shocking info & grimtaash

on the edge ‘

Strategy: ‘


I came to Markus Wuest’s place 2 days before the belgian open without any tatooine cards, bought a box from Markus, got the light podracing kit and came up with the idea of playing podprofit. I built the one, mostly for fun, and then played a few games against the brangus deck. It won, so i kept it and tested some more. the next day we playtested at bastians place and i kicked his @#$% with it (well, we split at least) so i rebuilt it and decided to go with it for the open since i didnt want to play any expected deck, and i had no time to playtest with watch your step which is the best light deck besides this one. One week after, at the swedish open, in the last game, every light deck on the top 3 tables were similar versions of this podprofit deck.

why podprofit?

the advantage with profit is that you can play both defensive and offensive. if they decide that they dont want you to free han and bunker up in the audience chamber, then they wont cause you any damage and you can wait to attack them untill the race is won. if they decide to be offensive (by draining in space for example), free han early and hit them back with drains and profit damage. your huge retrieval abilities will win those games for you. if you win the race, you win the game. and you will win the race with 3 step backward, 2 to close for comfort, 5 senses and insane destiny.

profit decks dont need to start with three effects, goo nee tay is good enough.

why certain cards?

r2 in red 5 - great destiny, and a ship in case you should need it in late games. obviously

epp obi and luke - hit and run mains. the versions without sabers need to have sabers deployed on them to be good, which requires more cards and are bad destiny. i almost always hit anything i aim at due to high average destiny. jedi resilience also work with these guys (even if you they are monnoked or something). These are your offensive characters (along with lando)

Qui-Gon and boushh are the defensive guys. qui-gon rarely dies, and never misses a sense. boushh is better then epp leia because she is a spy (also for double agent), and the blocks drains. simple.

EPP han - secret plans is common, you dont want pay 10 force just to retrieve in a single turn.

only three effects? - yes, which other do you think i need?? also, few effects keep your differential up.

double double agent? - for mara jade and u-3po. everyone should play those cards. i have 4 spy cards. destiny 6.

tunnel vision - better then the combo because you want high destiny.

twixes? - best way to get activation. you start with at least 6 force, and most dark decks give away a few icons. you dont need more then like 10 each turn to run the deck, but obviously you it gets easier with more activation. you will get them out with tunnel vision or threepio. i dont need other battlegrounds then the 2 i get from the objective.

4 out of commision - shuffles lost pile (great against brangus). an early hit and run attack and you might place vader or palpatine out of play.. reclycleable 5.. dont play the combo, because it costs one force and is canceled by holonet transmission. i dont need to cancel visage. you might wanna play combos after coruscant to handle the phantome menace though.

12 characters? - yes, i am low on characters, but i dont need more the those. i retrieve a lot, i play double jedi resilience and each epp main usually kills 2 character in a battle you initiate.

threepio is your monnok protection, your destiny tracker and a beast card in any light deck.

no numberprotection - no, because numbers decks are usually non interactive enough to loose to drains and profitdamage. also, i will retrieve the cards back.



this deck beats brangus. in belgium i took martin falkes brangus by 32 and martin shumachers brangus by 25+. they give you 2 force, so you get minimum 8 first turn, 9 if holotable on table. get qui-gon to audience chamber if he have no characters there, otherwise put him on the podrace arena. you need qui-gon (or obi-wan) for the senses. sense his podracing cards. play out of commision when you dont want thim to use brangus on the top card. you win the podrace at least 9 of 10 times. free han. if he tries to drain you, hit him with luke/obi and first strike. retrieve with all kinds of cards. on the edge any eventual target of the responsibility of command combo. then shuffle his lost pile. this deck was originally designed against brangus.

dark side mains

if they bunker up in the audience chamber, let them do that and wait untill you win the race (agains this deck you will always win the race). then either deploy hit and run squads when i did it and draw their fire is on table and kill them of one by one untill you can release han. otherwise you can deploy your characters elsewhere and nabrun in for a one turn beatdown. the i did it/ draw their fire/ to close for comfort is great.

if they spread and drain, hit them with epps where they are and free han with qui-gon.

hunt down podracing

you can chose to start honor of the jedi instead of goo nee tay. if they start the box they wont get much activation, and you will have a jedi on table so they will loose from their own visage. since they dont get any effects from the start, your retrieval will hopefully be easy. the dueling can either be won (you have better destiny then that deck) or canceled by resilience / run luke run. out of commision on vader is not unlikely to happen.

any kind of slow mob points/admirals/mains decks

you win the race. their destiny suck. with i did it and draw their fire, you can attack safely anywhere, and their destiny is probably not even enough to hit you with a saber. they cant stop your retrieval and you will cause about as much damage as they will. they will also have lots of cards table in a couple of turns while you have almost none. good and easy matchup.

cct/ mains

since they flip first turn, they wont be able to get their locations, and with goo nee tay they are force choked. out of commision so that they cant play a monnok every turn. then beat them up like you would with any other kind of mains (by i did it/draw their fire combo).

space decks

flip asap. win the race. keep retrieveing on the edge if possible. i only play tested against a slow space deck, and that one i beat easily since i was so much faster.

speed deal

start draw their fire. this is the hardest matchup, and your best chance to win is by beatings. sense the wookie kisser. since they start secret plans, you will not have enough force for both retreival and deploying lots and drawing. if luck is with you, you can win this, but you should loose more often. luckily, the speeddeal gets trashed by watch your step, so they shouldnt be very common.

that is all i will cover, try this and beat the @#$% out of your opponent.


/Martin Akesson

dq-ed ‘