There might be good in him

Title: There might be good in him
Author: Ryan "Shadow 13" French
Date: Aug 5, 2001 Rating: 4.5




There Is Good In Him/I Can Save Him

Chief Chirpa’s Hut

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Luke’s Lightsaber

Endor Landing Platform (DB)

I Feel The Conflict

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Strike Planning


pick your own third effect



Dense Forest

Hidden Forest Trail

Back Door (Don’t have the Rebel Landing Site)

Home One War Room


General Crix Madine

General Solo

General Calrissian

Admiral Ackbar

Daughter Of Skywalker

Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk x2

Corporal Midge x2



Lt. Greeve

Sgt. Junkin

Major Panno

Corporal Beezer

Corporal Janse

Captain Yutani

Endor Scout Trooper x2

First Officer Thaneespi

Major Haash’n

Lt. Blount

Ralltiir Freighter Captain x2

Leia/Blaster Rifle

Han/Heavy Blaster Pistol


Anakin’s Saber


Millennium Falcon

Home One

Nebulon-B Frigate x3


Rebel Leadership

Insertion Planning x5

Take The Initiative x2

I Know

Escape Pod


Ounee Ta

Aim High


Capital Support

Anakin’s Podracer ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is the straightforward TIGIH Madine-Scout Midge-drain deck of old with direct damage thrown in through Capital Support. Start I use Jedi Knight Luke because he’s obviously better, and it gives me numbers protection right off the bat. Aim High is a good start against TIE decks to hurt Sienar Fleet Systems. Ultimatum gives you the luxury of ignoring big force drains at other locations, forcing your opponent to spread out if he wants to cause any big damage, whereupon you hit him with the EPP’s either on the Falcon or on the ground with Beezer.

In space, concentrate on just holding Endor…against a dedicated space deck even that will be tough, but with the AO you get good immunity and cheap pilot deployment. i picked the Neb frigates because they have good destiny numbers and their cheaper than the star cruisers so i can put them out when i want to without saving. and i don’t have any of the good DS2 capital ships anyway…or the Spiral or Tantive for that matter. i picked the pilots for being scouts so Madine can pull them, and most have good destiny numbers. Home One War Room is of course for deploying Home One, but its also a place to stow Madine if your running into lots of battles on Endor and need his immunity bonus…but watch out for Mara Escape Pod is in just in case, and its destiny 6.

Other Card Choices

Ounee Ta my brother insists on playing Ralops…plus its an easy way to get a good card back in your hand off the lost pile.

Anakin’s Podracer just in case….with Hunt Down/Racers being so popular (i guess…don’t see them in my local) i put it in for internet play.

Why did you pick those scouts?? those were the only ones i have…don’t have Kensaric or Brooks Carlson, or even another Madine…but i have an Endor box coming from eBay…

Endor Scout Trooper Easy pull, ok destiny, and adds immunity to my guys…combined with Insertion Planning, its possible i’d never have to lose a guy to attrition.

why no Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon?? they’re not Scouts so i can’t pull them and they cancel Take The Initiative’s Used text. Plus they are destiny 1. i know, lame excuse, but i just didn’t want them running around Endor. its kinda fun to win without them, anyway.

Don’t worry much about matchups, just play your deck…drain and make the damage, win battles when you have to and maybe you’ll turn Vader, but that’s not really so important for this deck. but of course don’t forget to take his/her card for I Feel The Conflict.

Last game i played with this deck was over AIM against a BHBM/choke deck…with two cards on Feel the Conflict and two on Insig. Rebellion, Vader captured Luke and we both flipped. i hit up a lone Maul twice for battle wins and crossed Vader…won by 11…very fun game.

cards you might wanna add

Chewie’s AT-ST

Menace Fades (esp. if you concentrate on holding Endor system)

replace the EPP’s with the Endor versions

sub in Brooks Carlson and Kensaric for Janse and Yutani

maybe sub in Spiral and Liberty for Neb Frigates

other suggestions? ‘