Yavin 4 Occupation

Title: Yavin 4 Occupation
Author: Niels "jawamaster" Hansen
Date: Aug 22, 1999 Rating: 3.5



‘Start Imperial Occupation Yavin 4 Forest The Signal Imperial Decree

Locations (9) Yavin 4 Jungle Swamp Forest Desert Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Defensive Perimeter Coruscant Dagobah Cave

Characters(15) Captain Needa Admiral Ozzel Brangus Glee Commander Igar Admiral Motti DS-61-2 Dr. Evezan Darth Vader Darth Vader with LS Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith Lieutenant Cabbal Zuckuss Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Grand Moff Tarkin J’Quille

Creatures/Weapons(3) Bubo 2 x Vader’s LS

Starship/Vehicle(10) 2 X Dreadnaught Bossk In Hounds Tooth Vader’s Personal Shuttle Avenger Executor Blizzard 2 Dune Walker Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 6 Tempest 1

Effects(13) Organa’s Ceremonial Necklace Bad feeling have I Security Precautions Imperial Arrest Order Imperial Decree Battle Order Rebel Base Occupation Come here you big coward Lateral Damage There’ll Be Hell to Pay Resistance Opressive Enforcement

Interrupts(9) Masterful Move Monnok 2 x You Are Beaten 2 x Trample 2 x Alter 2 x Twi’lek Advisor’

Strategy: ‘

This deck was first and foremost designed to deal with revolutions deck, but it’s very strong against Bothawui decks as well (because of Imp. Decree). Sec. Precautions takes care of HB, and Come Here you Big Coward of Asteroid deck. However the deck would have a hard fight against M&T with smoke screens. The next version of this deck will have many DS imperial ability 2 characters with 5 in forfeit. Compined with Imp. Arrest Order, Smoke screen would be a minor annoyence. ‘