geoff’s pile from continentals

Title: geoff’s pile from continentals
Author: Geoff "gsiva" Snider
Date: Aug 6, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘locations 9

shmi’s hut (S)

8x 2/0

characters 17

qui-gon x2

jedi luke x2

epp obi x2

epp han x2

chewie protector

epp leia

tawss khaa

jar jar


naked droid

lando w/axe

corn horn

b’omarr monk

starships 2

millennium falcon


interrupts 14

heading for the medical frigate (S)

sense/uncertain x2

sense x3

alter x2


weapon lev

sorry about the mess

gift of the mentor

it could be worse

it’s a hit

effects 16

scrambled transmission (S)

don’t do that again (S)

your insight serves you well (S)

ounee ta

battle plan

honor of the jedi

goo nee tay x2

what’re you tryin’ to push on us x2

bacta tank

draw their fire

revolution x2

beggar x2

weapons 2

qui-gon’s lightsaber

luke’s lightsaber

Strategy: ‘

it works really well against the meta decks that are there to stop WYS. it smokes You May Start Your Landing like no other. It has enough activation (and qui-gon) to stop scum, and if you play it right, then you should be able to stop brangus if you grab Control/Tunnel Vision and Put All Sections on Alert AND take over and drain at death star sites (both of them) and play the bomarr monk at shmi’s hut. you get the bacta tank in play and there’s nothing they can do. another card to add against Brangus would be End of a Reign. save four force and stop epp vader every turn, get it back with the Naked Droid, and make sure you have a 4 forfeit character sitting with the monk.