The Main Chardra’s Podrace

Title: The Main Chardra’s Podrace
Author: Lewis "Duke Devil" Blake
Date: Aug 6, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Podrace Prep

Anikan’s Racer

Strike Planning

Boonta Eve Podrace

Podrace Arena

Slave Quarters


T City Outskirts

T Mos Espa

T Podracer Bay



JP Antechamber


General Solo

General Madine




Chewbacca of Kashyyyk


Obi WK Padawan

Ben Kenobi

Corporal Kensaric

Luke With Saber

Master Luke Skywalker

Twass Khaa


Leia w/ blaster

Threepio w/ parts showing


Chewie w/ blaster

chardra fan x5


Obi’s saber


Rebel Barrier

It Can Wait

The Signal x2

You Will Take me TJN x2

Nar Shadda x2

Away Put your weapon

Old Ben

Losing track

entering the arena


gift of the mentor

Too close for comfort x2

A jedi’s concentration

A jedi’s focus

A jedi’s patience

glancing blow

changing the odds


The Camp

Aim High


I did it

Strategy: ‘

pretty much a tat main deck, only I tried to make it more versatile by adding other means of force loss besides plain old beatdown (drain enhancement and podrace)

1st turn

-pull han and madine w/ Strike planning


-drop shimi and threepio to quarters

-if you have enough force, drop madine to slave quarters and pull geezum, kensaric if geezum is not available. unfortunately, geezum will probably have to wait for turn two.

-draw if any available and you feel like you will have enough force next turn

turn two


-drop geeezum, or pull a site with geezum if he’s already out. drop another scout.

basically keep pulling all sites with geezum and drawing up a couple here and there a couple turns.

by turn six AT MOST, 6 destiny 0s will be out of the deck, three (at least) ones, and two twos.

this makes podracing a little easier, as well as threepio, who is already going.

several destiny adders help in battles(skywalkers, leia w/ balster, entering the arena, gift OTM) and han can cancel one as well.

As I said earlier, Han, Chewie, Madine, Geezum, Shimi, Threepio, Kensaric, and probably Qui-Gon will be out before too long

Barrier and It can wait help defend punks like tessek who have a tendancy to draw attention. It can wait is awesome for setting up beatdowns.

Just in case they go space, tessek and c fans help with drains. if necessary, they can go for forfeit fodder on the ground.

Away put your weapon can be pretty cool against decks like hunt down (NO LIGHTSABER FOR YOU)

Too close for comfort is just cool

see above for old ben p

Basically I tried to make a deck that would do well battling and draining, although I can see how something like Ties might be able to mess me up, but that’s OK lol.

thx for your reviews
