Set Your Course To Destroy

Title: Set Your Course To Destroy
Author: Darth Vader "The Dark" Lord of The Sith
Date: Aug 7, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (7)

Set Your Course For Alderaan / Ultimate Power in the Universe

Death Star


Docking Bay 327

Heading for the Medical Frigate

Mobilization Points

Combat Response

Epic Event (2)

Commence Primary Ignition x2

Weapons (13)

Death Star Superlaser x2

Ion Cannon x3

Turbolaser Battery x4

SfS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons x4

Starships (23)

Flagship Executor









Vader’s Custom TIE

Onyx 1

Onyx 2

Saber 1

Saber 2

Saber 4

TIE Interceptors x7

Characters (14)

Admiral Piett

Admiral Ozzel

Commander Merejek

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Darth Vader

Colonel Jendon

Captain Yorr

Baron Soontir Fel

Major Turr Phenir


Grand Moff Tarkin

Death Star Gunner x3

Locations (6)

Death Star War Room

Death Star Detention Block Corridor

Death Star Detention Block Control Room

Yavin 4





Interrupts (3)

All Power to the Weapons x3

Strategy: ‘

UPDATE ** Heading For The Medical Frigate? I meant to have Prepared Defenses.**

Due to the reviews, I have taken out Vengance, Ion Cannon, a TIE Interceptor, and a Turbolaser Battery to put in A Day Long Remmbered, Death Star Assualt Squadron, Dreaded Imperial Starfleet, and Put All Sections On Alert

Simple. Look at the SYCFA text and it says, you blow away Alderaan, you flip the Objective I relly don?t use the SYCFA Death Star card pull except for the Superlaser and Gunners.

Once you flip it, your Star Destroyers become much more usefull, especially at Hoth, Yavin 4, Tatooine, and Bespin. Kessel was thrown in for the deploy -1 cost for the Star Destroyers you deploy in the CCG Outer Rim. While your other Star Destroyers go at the Death Star system for the -2 while Death Star moves from Yavin to Hoth, your Star Destroyer cruise around with their weapons to disable the opponents starfighters incase they play MBO.

Your Ion Cannons make the opponent?s ships armor or manuever=0 and hyperspeed=0, so it?s easier to hit them with the Batteries and SfS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons. You have to blow away Yavin 4 as quick as you can if your opponent is playing MBO or else he?ll blow up the Death Star. Death Star Gunners add to the firing as well.

Basically, drain at the Battleground systems and battle an shot down whoever you need to ‘