I Want a Foil EPP Maul

Title: I Want a Foil EPP Maul
Author: R. "Voice of Law" Smith
Date: Aug 8, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (6)

Mauls Hut

Start the Engines

Podrace Arena


Boooonta Eve

Watto’s Box

Locales (1)

Flagship Bridge

Guys (21)

Tatooine Maul x3

Coruscant Maul x3

Nute gunray

Rune Haaaaaaaako

Daulty Dofine

P-59 x2

P-69 x2

Destroyer Droid


Aurra Sing

Keder the Black

Sith Droid x4

Weaps (2)

Mauls Stick x2

Interrupts (24)

Sense x7

Alter x3

Control x3

Maul Strikes x2

We Must Accelerate Our Pants x5

“Podracer” Collision x3

Llama Dobreed

Effects and Events (6)

The Phantom Menace x2

Allegations of Corruption

Mind Tricks Dont Work on Me

If The Trace Was Correct

I Will Find Them Quickly Master ‘

Strategy: ‘


This deck is a @#$%ing MONSTER. It crushes everything in its path. There is NO WAY to possibly beat this deck in closed environment. It’s just too damn powerful.

***End update

Ideal first turn your opponent gives you one force, you Twilek for Find Them Quickly, flash with Sebulba, drop Maul, Find Them Quickly, pull Trace Was Correct, and give Maul his saber if you have it or a Strikes. Then next turn youll drain for three and youll be set up to do SAC to win the race with.

Thats how to win with this deck, drain for three and race. They put Amidala out you go get her. Retrieve with the Sith Droids and the race. You will win the race because of your interrupts and your humongous SAC. We Must Accelerate is key thats why theres 5 of them. They get your force gen (Bridge), your effects (which in turn get your characters, TPM with Maul will pull the Neimoidian schmoes), and even your racing interrupts.

There’s no way in closed environment to curb the race damage or the retrieval, so the 22-force swing WILL happen EVERY game, provided you dont get into a colossal SAC war and lose. Anyone who has played this game for a while will remember the old Obi’s Hut start with Obi down first turn and mad Revos and Sac, this is like that with Maul down first turn but minus the cheese. Maul Strikes is unfortunately not cumulative like IHYN was back then or Id be playing 6 so I could draw 13 battle destiny against Qui-Gon hahaaa. I may drop a Control or an Alter for another Sense. Yes I am aware that the new SAC cards are lost interrupts, but thats fine because the opponent will be losing his cancelled card too just like always and there will be no Wise Advice @#$% going on.

As for matchups it doesnt matter what you play against, YOU WIN. against the senate deck theyll give you a force which is good, you are faster than they are at first and if they put the Queen in the senate you can still drain with Maul. Drain with Maul, win the race. The biggest pain in the @#$% is that political effect which cancels a drain, you will need to Alter that @#$%.

Agaisnt the Hyperdrive deck youre gonna have Maul immune to attrition for at least the first five turns of the game, use this to your advantage. Youre also getting 2 force icons off the bat.

Against space like Naboo system drain you just have to set up on the ground FAST and fight fire with fire with your drain of 3 at Maul’s Hut. The dark side is hurting in space in closed environment which is why i left out space altogether. Then you win the race and retrieve a bunch and they lose a bunch so you win.

Dont forget

between the Sith Droids and the race you are getting back 14-15 cards a game.

you will never lose the race unless you lose a SAC war, all racing interrupts are vulnerable to SAC

you should never lose a SAC war because you are playing so much of it, and you get Maul on the table for free pretty much first turn every game

TPM pulls Neimoidians, this is beefy in closed

you have a Ghhhk and a Grabber

We Must Accelerate is a huge card

Control can cancel that stupid immediate effect that stops drains of 3 or more

you have the ONLY undercover spy in the game () and there is no way for the opponent to get rid of him. yes i know of the ruling where the drain can still be initiated but that is of no consequence

Jar Jar is a beast so be ready for him. sure a couple destroyer droids can fend off two Jedi in the movie but in the game Jar Jar comes down and takes one out like it’s nothing. BULL@#$% I say

have fun playing SAC, i never thought I would write the words ”Sense x7” again in my life ‘