Naboo Celebration (revised)

Title: Naboo Celebration (revised)
Author: Philip "WorldChamp" Marschall
Date: Aug 9, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (7)

Plead My Case to the Senate/Sanity and Compassion

Galactic Senate

Theed Palace Throne Room


Insurrection/Aim High

Squad Ass.

YISYW/Staging Areas

Locations (7)

Theed Palace DB

Theed Palace Courtyard

Naboo Swamp

Naboo Battle Plains



Tat DB

Characters (26)

Queen Amidala, Ruler of Naboo x3


Valorum x2

Mas Amedda

Liana Merian

Sei Taria

Horox Ryyder


Tendau Bendon

Qui-Gon x2

Phylo Gandish

Jedi Luke x2


Chewie, Protector

Han w/Gun

Captain Han

Leia w/Gun

Ben Kenobi

Obi w/Stick



Ships (4)

Home One

Millenium Falcon

Red Squadron 1


Weapons (3)

Luke’s Stick

Qui-Gon’s Stick

Panaka’s Blaster

Effects (5)

I Will Not Defer


A Vergence in the Force

Security Route

Interrupts (9)

Might of the Republic x2

The Signal x2

Mindful of the Future x3

Stay Here, Where It’s Safe x2

Strategy: ‘

Strategy Edit

OK in response to reviews, I am playing DS2 Wedge. Also, Take out Ben Kenobi and Tat. DB for another MotF and Queen’s Royal Starship. Drop the Naboo Swamp for Ric Olie, and drop both Signals for We Wish to Board at Once, and Reveal Ourselves to the Jedi (about the techest card you can find)

This won’t be a very long strat, so if you want longer strategy, go look at my other Naboo Celebration deck on my page, and substitue anywhere it says Gungans for mains. Thanks

Anyway, there is one thing I need to say for strategy with the mains type. Against space use Cap’n Han for the Falcon instead of on the ground. Also use Chewie and Leia mebbe for a superfalcon. If space is popular in your area then add Punch It for something, mebbe a Might of the Republic, or A Vergence in the Force. Thanks for reading and reviewing, and like I said in my earlier deck, She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts.

The Future World Champ, Phil