Efridge’s Watto SAC MT v2 0 (PODRACING)

Title: Efridge’s Watto SAC MT v2 0 (PODRACING)
Author: Efridge "Efridge" Engelhardt
Date: Aug 9, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (8)

No Money, No Parts, No Deal/You’re A Slave?

Watto’s Box

Boonta Eve Podrace

TatooinePodrace Arena

TatooineWatto’s Junkyard

TatooineMos Espa

Sebulba’s Podracer

Start Your Engines

Locations (3)

TatooineJabba’s Palace


Jabba’s PalaceAudience Chamber

Weapons (3)

Maul’s Lightsaberx2

Mara’s Lightsaber

Character (17)

Darth Maulx2

Darth Maul, Young Apprentice

Mara Jade

Keder the Black


Emperor Palpatinex2

Sim Aloo

Janus Greejatus

EPP Vaderx2

Choke Vaderx2

Effects (5)

The Phantom Menacex3

No Escape

Blast Door Controls

Interrupts (24)

Force Lightningx3

Neimodian Advisorx3


Sense/Uncertain is the Future

Hit Racerx2

Podracer Collisionx3

I Have You Now


Weapon Levitation

Masterful Move/Endor Occupation

Imperial Barrierx2

Masterful Movex3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Now then, the hard part. i really suck at this strategy thing, but here goes.

I play Coruscant Alter, it cancels political affects.

Force lightnings arent a must, but they are nice. you can take one out for another weapon lev, which are always nice to have

one i have you now is good, once you play it once, they become afraid of it, and chances are, youll retrieve it.

i run 3 PRC, and 2 hit racer, hit racer is too dependable on the situation, where is PRC is pretty generic

Neimodian Advisor is one of the best cards in coruscant, hands down

Why no vader sticks? epp and choke both have a battle “shot”

Marketplace+keder the black+Janus=nopoliticiansforthem

i was thinking of taking out some stuff for bounty hunter ships, but locally, no new light decks do the space thing.

well, good luck