Firestarter ( Iceman s Regional deck )

Title: Firestarter ( Iceman s Regional deck )
Author: Mike "Iceman" Fitzgerald
Date: Dec 23, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Start ( 4 ) Throne Room Careful Planning Farm Swamp

Additonal Locations ( 4 ) Rendezvous Point Obi’s Hut Chirpa’s Hut Yoda’s Hut

Creatures ( 2 ) Nudj x2

Characters ( 13 ) Obi-Wan Kenobi x3 EPP Luke x3 EPP Han Captain Han Oola x2 Wedge Tawss Khaa Harc Seff

Weapons ( 1 ) Obi’s Saber

Starships ( 2 ) Millenium Falcon x2

Effects ( 8 ) Civil Disorder Mantellian Savrip Traffic Control Battle Plan Draw Their Fire Frozen Assets x2 Order to Engage

Interrupts ( 26 ) Grimtaash x2 Sense x6 Alter x4 Transmission Terminated x3 Shocking Information x3 Courage of a Skywalker x2 Glancing Blow Nabrun Leids Gift of the Mentor The Signal Smoke Screen Tunnel Vision ‘

Strategy: ‘

Why there is no EPP Leia ? – Because I don’t like her getting shafted by HDADTJ , she’s the 61st card in the deck but I only have 60 slots. I’d probably add her instead of Tunnel Vision or an Alter now though.

Okay the only two card I changed when submitting this is the last two interrupts I put Smoke Screen and Tunnel Vision and since back then Drazin was still alive I probably had 2 Noble Sacrifices. At Regionals this deck did spectacular and beat ISB ( +18 ) , HDADTJ w/dueling ( +18 ) , and a Big Blue ( +26 ).

Basic There is no basic , you play depending on what the opponent does. Usually the only thing you always do is drop the Nudjs ASAP.

HDADTJ I have 3 TTerminateds to blow up Visage or the Holotable. Dueling protection is en force and Oola is nasty after you’ve cleared Vader. The +4 to SAC really doesn’t matter as you can recycle the Alters for good destiny or track destinies.

ISB This is the game you have to pay attention. Normally I can drop Oola at the Swamp alone but since they are spies she usually is on the hip of Obi. Signal to get Order to Engage and Battle Plan up quickly. ISB really can’t hang with this deck. Imperial Arrest Order really doesn’t hurt because you go wherever they are and Order them to Engage to death.

Big Blue/Endor Ops Oola. It is all about Oola and Grimtaash which put on the choke. Clear their only significant force and then Oola them to death. Everyone plays Secret Plans but no one will use Shocking Revelation until they get spurned by Oola.

Ralltiir Ops Go to them. Oola them to death. DTF and smackdown early. Tawss is particularly nasty as she can deploy for 3 to Ralltiir and Alter Bad Feeling Have I.

Manip 3 Shocking Infos and Order to Engage or Draw Their Fire usually kills them. Oola works them over better then their Manip does you.

Anything else You have to think to play this deck correctly. The small amount of characters and locations is helped by Savrip. I dunno maybe I’m the luckiest player in the World but I can run my deck off of 7 total locations with no problems. I think that’s about it.

Mike Fitzgerald / D’akturak