The Fine Art Of Seal Clubbing Refined

Title: The Fine Art Of Seal Clubbing Refined
Author: Brad "Admiral Twk" Reinhold
Date: Aug 14, 2001 Rating: 4.0




QMC/Independant Operation


CCGuest Quarters



Keepin out da Empire

Characters(20) Ric Olie Phylo Gandish Grugnak Qui-gon Jinn Jedi Luke Ben Kenobi Chewie Protector Captain Han Solo EPP Leia Captain Panaka EPP Han Corran Horn ECC Lando Twass Khaa Dash Rendar Pucumir Thryss Padme Captain Madakor Lt. Williams Kal’Falnl C’ndros Ships(5) Liberty Millenium Falcon Queens Royal Ship Radiant VII Outrider Weapons/Devices(5) Obi’s Journal Obi’s Saber Qui-gon’s Saber Luke’s Saber Panaka’s Blaster Locations(4) CCDown Town Plaza CCEast Platform (DB) TatDB Tibrin Interrupts(13) Life Debt Protector Don’t Get @#$%y All Wings Report In/Darklighter Spin Blaster Deflection Jedi Presence SATM/Blaster Proficiency Run Luke, Run I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This Jedi’s Resilience Path x2 Effects(8) Secure Route DODN/WA Honor Your Insight Menace Fades Beggar CC Celebration Battle Plan/Draw Their Fire ' Strategy: ' RESPONSE Caleb, ’whydoisuck’, here’s why you suck READ THE DAM CARDS. YOUR OBJECTIVE PULLS DBs?????? Drop Ben and Beggar? when they will win you games? bull@#$%. Think before you speak. THIS IS THE PRIME DIRECTIVE OF POSTING. If you are even a little unsure of what you are saying, don’t. EDIT In response to Rushe No offense taken dude. I just think you should actually look at a deck before you assume it sux and give it a bad rating. Have you ever played a GOOD qmc? give it a shot befor counting it out. edit BTW, the intro is SUPPOSED to say POST CORUSCANT QMC. I can’t write for crap, so please don’t dock the deck cause I’m an imbecile. Thanks -- the management ******************************************************** I don’t know a whole lot about QMC, but it seems most of them revolve around running away interrupts somewhat. Shows you what I know. Well, though this has that potential, it is designed as a beats deck. Its got all the things you know and love from WYS beats, except for the Objective. I decided to try this, as while I feel wys is good, I also feel it is in decline. Furthermore, I believe that QMC can be a more solid mains base, as you can pick what characters you want to use. That is the premise behind this. As I said, this is still under testing, but thus far seems fairly solid. You have 2 anti dueling cards, so that should help. Also, moving characters as you please should be huge. I’ve noticed that a lot of people use path to block a drain then run...well you can do that, but you can also do it to beat the snot outta somebody. You have retirieval, and you have an infinite tunnel vision, once per turn, to help set up those devestating combos. For instance, If the Man (vader) is getting ya down where your rebels are, just move over one of the 3 jedi, jedi presence, destiny adders, and viola no more problem. The destiny adders also have useful functions, so if someone is running a lot of anti destiny crap, they aren’t dead cards. I haven’t playtested it much, so I can’t give any vs. Hopefully I will get a chance to do so, tho, in the upcoming weeks in NC, so I will update and repost as necessary. In preliminary playtesting, it holds it own against everything, but that doesn’t mean much, as a good, good player will try something I never thought of (maybe) and thus will hurt the deck. I can’t think of anything, but oh, well. STRATEGY get out the sites you need to flip. Very last, after the flip, drop the DB with Secure Route on it. This should give you 2 HUGE drains the opponent is helpless to stop. Place Pucucmir at the DB, as he doesn’t add to his own location, and you can’t drain there anyway. set up the beats. This means that even if han is off away from their invasion force (they will invade. That, or they lose the game to drains) you can path him over or use Grugnak, then initiate, triple, etc. Set up the Tatooine DB to get out Ben and Beggar (you can pull DB’s after you flip) The only thing I think it needs is the CC lower Pasageway or whatever the saber place is, but am unsure. Tibrin is a must, as you can get back ANYTHING, specifically CC Celebration, so you can keep on celebrating. I think it also probably needs 2 grabbers, but am unsure of what to take out. Please take the time to review this deck, and criticizm does help, especially in this phaze. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you like the deck. Right now, as is, it is a BLAST but hopefully it will get even better through your help. Thanks Brad R. '