Fighter Cover

Title: Fighter Cover
Author: Mason "Palleon" Johnson
Date: Aug 14, 2001 Rating: 4.5





Cloud City Upper Walkway

I’m Sorry

Crush the Rebellion

Combat Response

IAO/Secret Plans

Prepared Defenses


Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x2

Darth Maul x2

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Emperor Palpatine

Prince Xizor

Grand Moff Tarkin

Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba

Janus Greejatus


IG-88 with Riot Gun

Captain Bewil

Baron Soontir Fel

Major Turr Phennir

Major Mianda

Lieutenant Hebsly



Saber 1

Saber 2

Saber 4

Scythe 1

Scythe 3


Evader & Monnok

I Have You Now x2

I’d Just As Soon Kiss A Wookie x2

Elis Helrot x2

I Can’t Shake Him x2

Relentless Pursuit

You Are Beaten

Sniper & Dark Strike

Ghhhk & TRWEU


Lateral Damage

Battle Order & First Strike

Cloud City Occupation

Dark Deal



Bespin Cloud City

Cloud City Carbonite Chamber

Cloud City West Gallery

Cloud City Chasm Walkway


SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons x2

Enhanced Tie Laser Cannon

Vaders Lightsaber

Mauls Lightsaber

Maras Lightsaber

Admirals Orders(1)

Fighter Cover

Strategy: ‘

Edit@@@@@ Cut out the two elises, and add two imperial supplies, because they help deal + Occ

to get set up quick

Any Suggestions are welcome, this deck is very

new to me, and it is only in the first stages of

playtesting, but I will try my best to convey the

true power of this deck.


The Cards

Fighter Cover My ships are power +3 when they

fire a weapon in battle, they can re-draw

their starship weapon destinies, and you

characters at related sites add one to each of

their weapon destinies and their immunity to

attrition is +2.

I Cant Shake Him Add a destiny in battle or

pull a starship weapon from your reserve deck

great against QMC, you can give Ten Numb a run

for his money.

I have not play this deck very extensively, but I

will give you the matchups I have played.


QMC Use Bewil to stop path and smash them off

cloud city in space and on the ground, don’t

let them make a move, DD and CC occ should take

care of it. No a very difficult matchup.

Watch Your Step Shoot down the outrider, falcon,

etc. Drain for tons, take over the cantina,

but be careful, so tons of damage quick, if they

win the podrace it dosen’t matter because your

doing 10-15 damage a turn. Use elis to smack them

around. Play smart, and you should win, but

still a tough matchup.

Slave Quarter Mains They wont touch you in space

use battle order to slow them down, their destinys

will be resticted by crush, use you use huge saber

destinies to slice up mains. Firly tough matchup,

just play smart.

In the second version I will update the matchups

and card selections

Thanks for Reading and Reviewing