You cannot allow us to be condemned without reasonable observation

Title: You cannot allow us to be condemned without reasonable observation
Author: Hallvard "Wedgefan" Sandvold
Date: Aug 15, 2001 Rating: 4.5




My Lord, is that Legal?/I will make it legal

Coruscant Galactic Senate

Blockade Flagship Bridge

Prepared Defenses


Coruscant DB (SE version)

Naboo DB

Naboo Battle Plains

Naboo Theed Palace Throne Room

Tatooine Mos Espa DB


Darth Maul

Darth Maul, Young Apprentice

Lord Vader x2

Emperor Palpatine

Mara Jade



Destroyer Droid

Nute Gunray

Rune Haako

Daultay Dofine

Lott Dod x2

Aks Moe x2

Passel Argente

Edcel Bar Gane

Tikkes x2

Baskol Yeesrim x2


Maul’s Saber

Vader’s Saber

Mara’s Saber


Bossk in Bus

Boba Fett in Slave I

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter


Squabbling Delegates

Weapon Levitation

Maul Strikes

I Have You Now

Force Lightning

Sense x3


Nemoidian Advisor

The Piont is Conceded x2

No Civility, Only Politics

Masterful Move/Endor Occupation

They’re Still Coming Through

Little Real Power


The Phantom Menace

Begin Landing Your Troops

Motion Supported

This is Outrageous

Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal

Allegations of Corruption

Secret Plans ‘

Strategy: ‘

Response to reviews

mp5 I agree. Any suggestions as to what I could take out?

******end update*********

This is my attempt at a Dark Side Senator deck. This far, it is undefeated in playtesting.

At start, use Prepared Defenses to deploy The Phantom Menace, Begin Landing Your Troops and either Alleagtions fo Corruption or Secret Plans, depending on what deck you are facing. I?m still not sure about starting the Bridge instead of a Naboo location, but it has worked very well this far.

In the early game, build your power at the senate to flip as soon as possible. Use Begin Landing Your Troops and Nemoidian Advisor to get out your other sites, and deploy your heavy hitters to Naboo to start draining (and causing Direct Damage with Baskol Yeesrim).

You should consider leaving one of the Nemoidians at the Bridge to give your Destroyer Droids the power bonus. The other two should be used at Naboo with their awesome forfeit (+4 with Lott Dod and Begin Landing Your Troops).

Don?t go to space with your small fleet unless you really have to, or you get a chance to cause some serious damage. Never deploy first to a system unless you KNOW it will be safe.

When you are all set up at the senate your Political Effect (protected by some SAC), will help you drain, cancel drains, and killing your opponent?s characters. Almost always use your opportunity to place the senators there back at the end of your turn, as their destiny is generally high thanks to your Objective. Don?t forget that although the senate is not a battleground, you can still drain for one there.

If you encounter a LS politics deck, you have a few interrupts that will help you out. Most other decks won?t be able to challenge your control of the Senate.

Later in the game, stay on Naboo with your mains unless they are outdraining you some other place on the ground. Your forces will in most cases NOT be sufficient to both hold Naboo and challenge your opponent elsewhere, so don?t attempt any full-scale invasions.

You also have some late-game retrieval with Squabbling Delegates. NEVER use it early unless you really have to.

Some card choices

The three Nemoidian guys

Good gametext, awesome forfeit. Gunray and Haako will in most cases have a forfeit of 10

The Point is Conceded

Used Interrupt, destiny 6, always playable in this deck. ?Nuff said.

Maul Strikes and I Have You Now

Can be used for a hit and fade attack on opponent?s character, usually causing lots of damage in the process.

They?re Still Coming Through

Nothing is more annoying than having your chance at a beatdown as described above thwarted by a Rebel Barrier. This is your answer.

The Phantom Menace

Makes Maul a beast. Also allows you to deploy your forfeit fodder from Reserve Deck ;)

I am sorry for this strategy being a bit ”jumbled”, but I hope that you managed to get some sense out of it.

Thanks for reading,

Hallvard Sandvold ‘