Hero of the Day

Title: Hero of the Day
Author: Michael "choker" Sorrell
Date: Aug 15, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Hunt Down/Their Fire Has Been Snuffed

Start Your Engines


Meditation Chamber


Sebulba’s Pod

Podrace Arena

Crush the Rebellion

Epic Duel


EPP Vader x2

Choke Vader x3

Emperor Palpatine x3

Darth Maul (Tatooine) x3

Janus Greejatus


Maul’s Saber

Vader’s Saber


They Will Be No Match For You

The Phantom Menace x2

No Escape

Grabber x2

Visage x3

His Name is Anakin


Maul Strikes

Focused Attack

Weapon Levitation

Omni Box/It’s Worse

Vader’s Obsession x3

The Circle is Now Complete x2

I Have You Now x2


Podracer Collision x3

Neimoidian Advisor

Masterful Move x2

Force Field x2

Elis Herlot

Twi’lek Advisor

Force Lightening x2

Counter Assault


Tatooine Cantina


Maul’s Sith Infiltrator

Strategy: ‘

The decklist is pretty self-explanatory. With the addition of some kicka$$ Coruscant cards HuntDown is back (though I never really thought it was gone).

This is my reasoning behind starting w/o Watto’s Box. Yeah…you get a 22 force swing with the effect (assuming you win the race). That’s nice, but most podracing Hunt Downs that are set up in this manner fizzle out after the race. By starting Crush the Rebellion I get a host of really incredible options…

1) I can pull I Have You Nows for multiple destinies against jedis, which consequently allows me to keep my objective flipped much easier.

2) I can pull and use a monnok every turn. This forces the opponent to stay at 12 cards in their hand.

3) I don’t have to worry about Revolution with the Evader pull…and we all know how Revo decks handle most dark decks.

4) At any mobile site the opponent is limited to 2 battle destiny. Period.

5) My characters are protected from Clash of Sabers, an interrupt that has the potential to wreck high-destiny hunt down because of its relatively low power totals to start with. If my Emperor is placed out of the battle leaving Janus all alone to fend off a beatdown squad…well you know the outcome

6) I don’t have to win the podrace I don’t like how every podraing deck on decktech says they win the podrace 95% of the time. If this was indeed true, the numbers would be mathematically impossible. How can EVERYONE win that often. The fact of the matter is you’re going to lose the race once in a while, especially to WYS racing decks (assuming you can’t get your grabbers for some reason or the other).

Well, I hope you now see the power of Crush. The gameplay is simple. Get Vader to a battleground to flip and get Maul (w/his saber) to the good force drain location. If you have both Janus and the Empeor in your hand, stick them to a battleground for some damage, but if you only have the Emperor, stick him to the holotheatre to protect against spies.

When the opponent comes after you hit their characters, draw insane destiny, and reload for the next battle. Set up your destiny for a mid-game duel and cause some more force loss to the LS. This deck, like most other decks these days, adjusts to what the opponent is playing. Play it how you think it will win. Success with this method comes after hours of playtesting against all the popular decks.

Right now in my area this is by far the best deck for the DS (not necessarily my version but the HuntDown start) due to the lack of flipping hidden bases. They just aren’t played in my area, and I’m certainly not expecting to see any with everyone now toying with the new senators. I put the Infiltrator in the deck not only because it’s a destiny of 6, but if you absolutely are forced to go into space, the Infiltrator w/ Maul aboard (he deploys minus 3) is quite a combo. Set your destiny 7s and your power is impressive. Not to mention you’re immune to attrition.

The lightsabers in this deck are amazing because of the helper effects (read the coruscant effects in this deck) and the great destiny. What usually happens when I play my friends’ LS mains decks is they just run out of Jedi. I break their immunity on almost every battle, and I even choke them when i have a destiny 7 set There’s really not that much more to say. I’m not going to lie like Myers when I say this deck wins before the game starts, but I will say this deck is a strong deck in today’s environment.

Hey…I’m not as flashy…but I’m honest. The deck can be beat, but it will win more often than not when played correctly. Have fun and enjoy the power of the Dark Side’s allure.

Michael “The Spider Monkey” Sorrell Jr. ‘