A place for tech Falke`s Profit

Title: A place for tech Falke`s Profit
Author: Martin "MylordMartin" Falke
Date: Aug 16, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective 1


Locations 6

Audience Chamber

Jabba`s Palace

Tattoine DB

Mos Espa DB

Home1 DB

Hoth DB

Effects 8

Insurrection / Aim High (S)

Order to engage

Battle Plan / Draw their Fire (S)

A Tragedy Has Occurred (S)

The Camp

Don`t do that again

Seeking an Audience

Underworld Contacts

Characters 18

Qui Gon Jim x2

Ben Kenobi

Obi with Saber x2

Master Luke x2

Jedi Luke x2

Leia with Blaster


Han with Blaster

Han Solo

Chewie, Bodyguard

Lando with Axe

Corran Horn (x2)

Neked Threepio

Interrupts 23

The Signal

Heading for the frigate

Tunnel Vision / Control (x2)

Tripple Card x2

Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi x2


Courage of a Skywalker

Glancing Blow

Gift of the Mentor (x2)

I Know

Someone who loves you

Sorry / Blaster P.

Narrow escape

Run Luke, Run

Incons. Barrier (x2)

OOC / TT (x2)

Bith Shuffle Combo

Starships 2

Artoo in Red 5

Lando in M. Falke

Green Cards 2

Luke`s Saber

Jim`s Saber

Strategy: ‘

+++update+++ The Sac Protection (or better Sense Protection)is the new Stacker which is deployed with the starting interrupt. When I expect sense I save my tunnel/control for the sense.

+++update end+++

THIS IS A FUN DECK. I never have played this in tournament and I`m not going to do this. But it is a nice answer to the hit and run decks which are very common in these day.


You are playing Mains N Mauls against profit. Your opponent releases Han and spreads out for more force draining and profit damage. Han and Ben without stick in the chamber.

You track some 5`s, deploy Mara (or whatever) and Lightsaber. You initiate Battle He TRIPLES, reacts with Help me…, you sense it. He pays a force for the grabbler and stacks your sense. Then he plays ”Dash” (CCity interrupt) and Jedi Luke with saber joins the battle.

You swing at Ben and he`s hit. Your Opponent plays Gift of the mentor and hits Mara, too.

Now you`re facing Power 13 to your 4. He draws three average destinies and you draw a tracked 5.

Any Questions? (Then play Ghhk and you`re lucky…)

Have fun,

Martin Falke