The Flying Rat A K A Toydarian Two-step

Title: The Flying Rat A K A Toydarian Two-step
Author: Jason "azreal6" Herrin
Date: Aug 17, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (8)

Tatooine (E1)

Podrace arena

Watto’s Junkyard

Mos Espa

Mos Espa Docking Bay

Tusken Canyon

Jawa Canyon


Characters (21)

Watto X3

Lord Vader

Darth Vader Dark Lord Of The Sith

Darth Vader

Darth Maul, Young Apprentice

Darth Maul X2

Tusken Raider X4

Jawa X4

Security Battle Droid X4

Weapon’s (8)

Darth Vader’s Lightsaber X2

Maul’s Lightsaber X2

Maul’s Electrobinoculars X2

Gaderffii Stick X2

Starships (5)

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

IG-88 In IG-2000

Dengar In Punishing One

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Boba Fett In Slave I

Effects (6)

Watto’s Box

The Phantom Menace


Establish Control

Sandwhirl X2

Interrupts (9)

Start Your Engines

Neimoidian Advisor


Maul Strikes

Force Field X3

Elis Helrot X2

Podracers (1)

Sebulba’s Podracer

Epic Event (1)

Boonta Eve Podrace

Objective (1)

No Money, No Parts, No Deal

Strategy: ‘

First thing is first. To one of my reviewers I say this, you must not remember the power of some early decks in this game. Strategy was very simple. Drain and battle to victory. Now we have all these gimicks and tech. And I say cool. Bring on the new and different, I thrive on it. Well now human nature in turn dictates that change isn’t really in us. So what do we do, we bag on the things that are different to make ourselves seem more secure in our own minds; to maintain our own inner feelings of importance and superiority. Well, you just might have something with deck design, or you may not. But what you do have is quite obvious, a lack of decorum or shall we say social grace. I think in order to rate a deck one should try to have either built one, played one, or played against one like it. Don’t raise your hand and answer (you might make yourself look stupid) to any of those. Just think about what you say. Put forth some thought. A little goes a long way.

Thanks to all.

Here’s the deck


No Deal

Boonta Race

Sebulba’s Racer

Start Your Engines

Watto’s Box

Mos Espa

Watto’s JunkyardPodrace Arena

Turn 1

This is pretty simple. Start the race and pay the two to keep your opponent from drawing. If you have a Tusken Raider in hand then get him down at the arena to interfere with opponents destiny on later turns. Draw the rest into hand, don’t play Watto until you can protect him.

Turn 2

Should be able to drop pretty impressive amounts of grunts and sandy stuff down. If you get advisor pull either Mos Espa DB or the desert to get a good whirl going on. Establish Control can make this deck rock hard. If opponent can’t see it coming they will lose to it. If they anticipate the drain machine get ready for all sorts of crap at the DB. Don’t forget your race. You should be pretty securely flipped by now.

Turn 3

Reinforce your troops on tatooine. Control it at all costs. set up for your drain engine and force him into fighting you. ”Make him play your deck and not his”. Your dark jedi will rule Elis and Force Field all over the place. They won’t want to leave anyone alone, no matter how burrly they are.

Card choice

Security Battle Droid- They have armor, they can control a site and drain, AND they inhibit opponents MOVEMENT

Elis Helrot- To put it plainly, its just not used enough around here. What a great card.

Drop- This card rules. Put force back into your deck AND a built in Monnokk. It should see a lot of tournament play.

The Phantom Menace- Maul defense +2, immune to attrition, and if you sack him to a battle you waged to cause some attrition then it cycles a 7 into your deck. Win win scenario if you ask me. Kill Maul…. I’ll play more.

Bounty Hunter Ships- A pretty mean little space package for the cost (free if you have your opponent do most of the work for you). Ship per ship the light side has 3 that even hold a candle to them. Falcon, Outrider, and Home One.

”Gaffy” Stick- The average destiny of the deck is 3. You draw 2 of them with the stick. When you do, jedi don’t get to use thier sticks. Works for me.

Jawa’s- So what if they save force to use for my objective. I’ll play a few little jawa’s and screw them up. So they end up losing 2 anyway. Heh heh.

Tusken Raiders- Tusken Canyon with Gaffy Stick = drain +2. Plus the stick holsters a saber and a blaster. Awesome. So’s screwing with the opponents race.


WYS- Just make all their crap lost in the desert. Otherwise play really careful. Don’t let them flip. If they do make sure your flipped and causing direct damage while gaining ground and space control one site at a time. The race and 2 every turn will hurt them in the long run. Strap in this could be a long game.

TIGIH/Scouts- Get Maul on tatooine with droids and mess with the scouts. Kill Madine fast to mess up the search engine. Have maul take care of Luke to get rid of that extra activation of his. Defend tatooine as well as you can with Vader and the Tusken horde and Jawa rat pack. The race will wrap it up for you.

Senate/Jedi- They have to take a lot of time to build up. Move very fast and set up faster. Race, drain, and kill whatever comes to tatooine. Hey you’ve got some sand whirls too

MWYHL- Very much the same as the above deck type.

Profit- Fight like hell to keep tatooine for yourself. Camp Vader and Maul at the Audience Chamber and sand whirl the crap out of them when they try to spread out for any direct damage from thier objective. Race to finish the kill.

Hyperdrive- It’s gonna be a fight These decks were made to screw each other. Don’t lose a fight. You don’t want them to flip it. If you do you can kiss the game goodbye.

Rescue The Princess- Ha ha ha ha ha ha Race drain and damage them to death before they have a chance to flip that death trap. If they go space on you early drop your BH’s on them and take out their forces. There’s only one imperial in the deck

Hidden Base- Drain a lot in the begining and race for maximum early damage. After they flip use your ”pack” to probe the base but continue to cause direct damage.

It should go well for you. If this is very common sub in Lateral Damage for one of the Jawa’s. ‘